"Does Wreck Everyone include me?"

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Y/n P.O.V.
All that Roman told me was to watch Summer Slam. He said that it would be a great show and while he was there working with production for some great things he wanted me to watch it. So I sat in our hotel room watching each match. I loved the women's matches of course. Then finally the main event. Braun vs. the Fiend. I watched them both beat the crap out of each other. Eventually the Fiend picked up the win. Which was quite surprising. Just as I was about to change the channel I gasped seeing a figure spear the Fiend. The camera panned out and a smirk took over my face. My hot husband was back in action. Beating the shit out of the Fiend. He stood up with a look of anger on his face and I bit my lip. I read his shirt and giggled. He rolled out of the ring and began attacking Braun. My husband is literally the hottest person I've ever met in my entire life. I had a thing for his dominant side and this, this was a perfect example. He went out there and not only did what he needed to do but did it to satisfactory extent. He held the title up high as he looked at the camera and smirked. I know that smirk is for me. I watched in content as he walked up the stage and backstage. I waited a little while knowing it took him a while to get to his locker room and showered before I dialed his number. "Hey baby." He answered in a low gruff tone making me flood with desire. "Hey handsome." I said with a hum. "Did you watch Summer Slam?" He asked and I smirked. "Of course I did daddy. You looked so hot out there." I said biting my lip. "Thanks baby. I wanted to surprise you. I know how much you like to see me dominate." He said and I hummed in content. "I really do daddy. But I've got a serious question." I said with a smile. "And what is your serious question?" He asked and I giggled. "I was just wondering does wreck everyone include me? Because if so my pussy is waiting for you." I said in a slutty tone. "Of course it includes you. You know daddy will wreck you as soon as he gets to the hotel. The only difference between the saying on my shirt and what I'm going to do to you is I'm not leaving you. I'm gonna wreck you all night long." He growled into the phone and I whimpered. "Then hurry up and get here daddy. I'll be waitingggg." I said with a giggle and he growled. "I'm on my way." He said before hanging up. I stood up and walked over to my bag with a giddy pep in my step. I grabbed some of my new lingerie and heels and then walked into the bathroom. I changed into it and smiled as I did a slow turn in the mirror.

I walked out and grabbed various things laying them out on the bed

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I walked out and grabbed various things laying them out on the bed. I placed them cutely on the bed and smiled at my work.

 I placed them cutely on the bed and smiled at my work

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