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You can all thank Joy_of_life88 for her amazing idea!! 😉😉
Y/n P.O.V.
I groaned in frustration slamming my head down lightly onto my desk a few times. This marketing project was kicking my fucking ass. And I was completely and utterly distracted by my husband working out. My office had a huge window right in front of Romans home gym. Was this a blessing? Yes. Was this also a curse? YES! I can't focus on this project that could literally be my job on the line when my husband is working out. I can't hear him through the glass but I can see every time he grunts. Every time he groans. Like it's torture. I love having the window there because there are days that I can just come in here and watch him. And give him a little show of my own. Which always leads to mind blowing sex. But now in times like this where I really needed to focus this fucking window was a god damn travesty. I picked my head back up to see that my husband had disappeared. I finally could get to work. I was trying to brain storm as best as I could when I heard a knock on my door. I looked over and I couldn't even say anything. There my husband stood. With just a towel wrapped loosely around his waist. Hair dripping down his body. He smiled at me and I smiled softly with my mouth open with a laugh. "How's it going baby?" He asked walking in as he dried his hair with a towel. I groaned throwing my head back. "That bad?" He asked and I pouted. "This project is kicking my ass! And I keep seeing you looking all hot and shit and it's distracting!"  I whined and he walked over to me kissing my forehead. "Damn baby. I'm sorry. Can I help in any way?" He asked kissing on neck lightly. "No. Yes. I don't know! I'm so overwhelmed!" I said with a whine. "How about, you take a break, and I relieve some of your stress for you." He hummed against my neck and I gasped as he nibbled on my neck. He shut my computer off and picked me up. He pushed some stuff over on my desk and sat me down. I only had on one of his t-shirts and a pair of panties. Which made it easy for him. He slid my cotton t-shirt over my head throwing it on the floor. He latched onto my nipple making me gasp and arch. "Babyyyy." I whined out and he hummed against my now hardened nipple. "I'm gonna relieve all that stress for you baby." He grumbled out kissing down my stomach making me pant. "Please." I whispered out and he groaned. He pulled my panties down my legs throwing them on the floor. He looked up at me with a smirk before he began to devour me. I moaned loudly throwing my head back as his tongue ventured all over my body. "Oh my god! Ro!" I yelled out gasping and wiggling against his face. He groaned against me causing my eyes to roll back. "F-fuck." I groaned out as I began to feel my high peak. He shoved two of his thick fingers inside me making gasp and moan. "R-Ro I'm close!" I moaned out and he smirked against me. Shoving his fingers further inside me. He growled against me curling his finger up into my spot. I screamed as I exploded around his fingers. I laid back against my desk groaning as he slurped up my juices humming and growling. I whimpered my eyes rolling as he finally let got off my wet entrance placing a light kiss on my clit. I raised my head as he stood looking deep into his lust filled eyes. "How does my baby need it tonight?" He asked with a hum kissing up my body making me gasp and moan. "R-Rough. I need it hard and rough." I moaned to him and he nodded. "I got exactly what you need baby." He said with a smirk. He flipped me over slapping my ass roughly making me moan. I moaned as he rubbed the tip of his cock against my entrance before pushing in roughly causing me to gasp. I gripped at my desk as he began to pound into me. The sound of his skin slapping against mind along with the screech of the desk against the floor was honestly a big turn on. "Yes! Oh god yes!" I moaned loudly making him growl. My eyes rolled as he did that. He grabbed my hair pulling it into a pony tail pulling my head up. "Oh fuck!" I moaned loudly and he hummed. "You're so fucking tight baby. I love this tight ass pussy." He growled making me whine. "Daddyyyy." I moaned as he pounded into me just how I liked it. He slapped my ass making me groan. "You like it like this don't you baby?" He growled out and I whined. "Y-yes I love it!" I moaned making him growl. "Fuck yeah you do. You are so good for daddy. You know that?" He asked and I nodded. "Yes! Yes! I know!" I moaned as I began to feel my legs shake. My orgasm close. "You're tightening around me Babygirl are you close?" He asked and I nodded. "Y-yes! Yes daddy! Please make me cum!" I moaned loudly and he growled before pulling out of me making me whine. "Have patience Babygirl." He said with a chuckle. He flipped me over before he pulled me into his arms. He put my thighs over his forearms as he slowly pushed back into me making me gasp. He slowly brought us over to the window and pushed me up against it. I clawed at his back making him growl. "Fuck." He growled out making me whine as he began to thrust into me deeply. Bringing me right back to the edge again. He pushed his forehead up against mine making me look up at him. His breath ragged as he thrusted into me. "You like watching me workout don't you baby?" He growled lowly making me nod and whine. "Yes!" I whined out and he smirked. "Yeah? Do you cum around your fingers as you watch me huh baby?" He asked and I nodded. "Yes all the time. I cum hard watching you." I moaned out making him growl. "Yeah? You know how hard I get watching you do work in here Babygirl? You know how many times I want to come in here bend you right over that desk and fuck you as hard as I can? You know how many times I've sat in the gym looking at you as you're in here working and just watched? Teasing myself as I watch the way you bite your lip when you think. You drive me absolutely up the fucking wall." He growled making me whine. "I'm so close please." I whispered out to him making him grunt. He gripped my ass in his hands driving into me roughly causing me to scream out. "I want you to cum all over my cock." He growled making me whimper. "B-baby." I whined out as my eyes rolled and I gasped before cumming all over his member. "That's it Babygirl." He growled making me whine as I shook around him. "Fucking hell!" He yelled before groaning as his warm seed filled me making me whimper. He held me against the window for a while before slowly letting my legs down. "Let's go get washed up." He said and I nodded with a happy smile. We walked up to our room and turned the shower on getting in. Once we were finished washing up I put on one of his t-shirts and a pair of panties. He walked up behind me hugging me and I smiled. "Thank you for the stress reliever." I said and he nodded. "Come on let's go get this project done. I think you forget sometimes that I do have a degree in business love." He said pecking my forehead making me giggle and nod. We walked back into the office and I laughed at the blurred marks on the window. "I'll clean that up later. Right now let's get this thing done so you can stop stressing about it." He said and I nodded. He sat down in my office chair pulling me into his lap. I began to explain what we needed to do and what I was struggling to figure out and he knew what he was doing instantly. "So basically all you were struggling with..." My eyes began to get heavy and slowly I began to fall asleep feeling the warmth of my own personal teddy bear holding me like I always loved.
I gasped as I felt like I was falling over. "It's alright baby it's just me. I got you." He said and I nodded as he stood up. I laid my head against his shoulder closing my eyes again. I fell right back asleep before I felt him lay me down in bed. I opened my eyes groaned and he kissed my forehead. "Mmm gotta finish the project." I said softly and he laughed. "It's all done babe. I finished it. Get some rest you need it." He said and I smiled before I went back to sleep again. He was right I did need sleep. I had been stressing over that stupid project for a week. Staying up late, not getting good sleep, waking up early. It was a viscous cycle.
I sighed as I felt kisses against my face. I whined and opened my eyes slightly. "Hmmm?" I asked and he smiled. "I bought us dinner from the place you love downtown. Wanna get up and watch some movies?" He asked and I smiled and nodded. "Carry me." I whined with a giggle and he laughed. He sat down on the bed holding his arms out to the sides. "Hop on my back." He said and I crawled over and wrapped myself around his back. He stood ip walking us downstairs setting me down on the couch. He brought the food into the living room and set it out on the coffee table. We began watching a movie enjoying our food. My phone rang and I groaned. I grabbed it and it was my boss. I quickly got up and walked into one of our spare rooms. "Hello?" I said into the phone as I closed the door. "Y/n! This project! I'm-I'm at a lost for words. It's amazing!" My boss said and I smiled. "Thank you sir! My husband actually helped me with it so I can't take all of the credit." I said and he laughed. "Well you both did an absolutely amazing job with the project. Amazing job! Enjoy your weekend." He said and I smiled. "Thank you sir. You enjoy yours as well." I said before we hung up. I danced around giddily before walking back out into the living room sitting down. I hugged Roman tightly making him smile. "What's this for? Not that I don't like it." He said making me smile. "That was my boss. He loves the project you did for me. I mean I took a little credit but I didn't leave you out I promise." I said making him laugh. "I wouldn't have cared if you did take all the credit. But thank you love. And I'm glad he liked it." He said and I smiled. His phone buzzed and he looked down. "GOD DAMN IT!" He yelled and I looked up at him confused. "Georgia tech fuckin lost!" He growled out and I pouted before an idea popped into my mind. "Well it looks like you are stressed out... I could... help you with that." I said looking up at him before I slid into the floor in front of him. "Oh?" He asked and I smiled. "It's your turn for me to relieve your stress.... Daddy." I said with a smirk as I began to pull his pants down. "Well I am pretty stressed." He said making me hum. So I treated him to exactly what he needed... a stress reliever.

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