Very Very Bad Mistake

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Y/n P.O.V.
Time felt like it was standing still. And it was hard to be soo fucking horny while trying to get work done. My fling, Marcus was blowing up my phone. But that wasn't why I was horny. The reason it felt like flood gates opened between my legs is because of my sexy hunk of a boss. His smile was perfect. His eyes are perfect. His hair is perfect. He was just so so perfect. But he was my boss. Sooo that's what he would stay. I pulled my phone out and saw the Marcus texted me. He wanted a picture to see how wet I was. I rolled my eyes and brought my phone under the desk. I opened my legs slightly before snapping a picture of my wet panties. Sending it to him.... or so I thought. My eyes veered to the outline of my bosses body as it moved closer to the clouded glass door. He opened it stepping out and I looked up at him. "I need you in my office now." He said firmly before closing the door. I gulped nervously standing up. I walked slowly to his door opening it. I stepped in and closed the door behind me. I looked at him and he had an unreadable expression on his face. "Come and sit down." He said lowly and I did exactly that. "Do you have any idea why I called you in here?" He asked and I shook my head. "I received a very very interesting picture from you moments ago." He said lowly and my stomach dropped. "I-Sir I don't know what you are talking about." I said shaking my head nervously. He raised a brow taking out his phone. He tapped on it for a moment before sitting forward flipping his phone towards me. My mouth dropped as I stared at the photo on the screen. THE photo that was supposed to go to Marcus. "Oh my god. I-I." I didn't even know what to say. How do I even respond. "I'm sorry sir. I'll just go pack my things." I said as I stood up. "Sit down. I didn't say anything yet." He said and I looked at him before quickly sitting down. "Now I assume that this was an accident and was meant to go to someone else." He said and I nodded. "Who was it meant to be sent to exactly?" He asked and my eyes widened. "Uhm this guy I'm talking to." I said and he nodded. He stood up walking around his desk leaning back on it crossing his arms. "What's this guys name?" He asked and I looked up at him blushing. "His name is Marcus." I said and he hummed. He walked around behind me but I didn't dare to move my head. I felt his breath hit my neck making me shiver. "So Marcus makes you that wet?" He asked and I let out a whimper. "N-no sir." I whispered and he hummed low. "No? So who makes you that wet?" He asked and I whimpered again. "Do you want the truth sir?" I asked turning my head slowly looking into his dark eyes. "Yes. I always want the truth." He said and I sighed. "It's you sir. You make me wet." I said and he smirked softly. He leaned forward kissing me roughly making me moan. "Mr.Reigns." I whispered out as he pulled away looking into my eyes. "Do you want this? I make you wet? Do you want me to fuck you?" He asked and I whimpered. "Sir I don't want to loose my job." I whispered out and he kissed down my jaw to my neck. "This ain't about business right now Babygirl. It's about pleasure. If you don't want this that's perfectly okay. And I'm not firing you either way." He said and I moaned softly. "Please I do. I want you." I whispered and he hummed. "Good. I like that I make you wet Babygirl. Makes me hard thinking about that pretty ass of yours sitting at your desk dripping when I look at you." He grumbled making me moan. He quickly pulled away and let out a huff. I heard his slow steps as he walked to the door locking it. He walked back over to me and in front of me and I looked up at him. He was towering over me with his big gorgeous body. "Stand up for me." He said and I stood. He growled as his hands lingered down my body. "I love your body." He grumbled and I looked up at him. "R-really?" I asked softly and his brows shot up. "Don't tell me my Babygirl is insecure? You are gorgeous and sexy and so soo sweet. Babygirl am I gonna have to show you how sexy you are?" He asked with a smile and bowed my head. "Sweetheart don't be ashamed. I think you are gorgeous." He said kissing my forehead and I looked back up at him. "I'll show you exactly what your pretty body can do." He grumbled nipping at my neck making me moan. He gripped my ass in his hands before he unzipped my skirt sliding it down my legs. He slid my cardigan off before pulling my shirt over my head. "God damn baby. So hot." He grumbled bending down kissing my stomach. He pulled my panties down and smiled up at me. He stood up and gripped my neck softly and I looked up at him. He rubbed his thumb across my lips and I parted them slightly taking his thumb into my mouth. He bit his lip as I looked up at him innocently. I ran my hand down to the bulge in his dress pants and I moaned. He was huge. He pushed into my hand slightly as he sighed. "You ever squirted before baby?" He grumbled lowly and I looked up at him and shook my head still sucking on his thumb. "You want to?" He asked and I thought about it for a moment. "Does it hurt?" I asked and he shook his head. "It should feel good. You'll look Damn hot doing it too. But if anything that I do hurts you tell me Babygirl and I'll stop." He said and I nodded. He reached around my back unclipping my bra. I let it fall down and he bit his lip. "Do a spin for me baby." He said with a smirk. I spun around slowly my heals clicking with each step. "Fuck." He growled smacking my ass roughly making me jump. I moaned softly looking up at him. "You like it rough Babygirl?" He asked with a smirk and I nodded. "Yes daddy." I said with a giggle making him hum. "Sit down on the chair and spread your legs." He said and I did. I sat on the cold leather chair spreading my legs. He bit his lip as he took his suit jacket off throwing it on his desk chair. He unbuttoned his sleeve cuffs rolling them up his big arms. "Daddy can you keep the shirt in but unbutton a few bottoms so I can see your tattoo?" I asked looking up at him innocently and he smirked and nodded. He unbuttoned three buttons letting me see his hothouse intricate tattoo. He kneeled down in front of me pulling my ass off the couch holding my legs in his hands. He delved his tongue into me suddenly making me moan out. I looked down at him as his tongue lapped at my entrance. His dark eyes staring up at me as he devoured me. "Fuck yes. Yes." I whispered trying to be quiet. "You don't have to whisper baby. You and I are the only ones left here." He said with a grumble before sucking on my clit making me moan. "Oh! OH GOD YES!" I moaned out and he smirked. His tongue swirled around as he spelt out the word 'mine' and then 'Roman Reigns'. I shook as I began to feel my orgasm coming. "Oh fuck daddy I'm gonna cum! Let me cum please?" I asked and he hummed against me and I gripped his hair as I began riding his face. My orgasm hit me like a brick house. I screamed out as my legs shook. He smirked sucking and slurping my juices up. I let my head fall back as I panted heavily. "Now Babygirl this is gonna be mind blowing. I want you to watch." He said with a smirk. He knelt on one knee getting as close to the chair as possible as he instructed me to hold my knees. He wrapped his one arm around me so I was looking down at my entrance. "Just gotta find the spot." He said with a hum and he shoved two thick fingers inside of me. I whimpered breathily as his fingers ran along the inside of my sensitive entrance. I sqeauled out as his fingers pressed against a particularly sensitive spot and he smirked. "There it is baby." He said with a satisfied chuckle before he began pounding his fingers into me making me scream out in pleasure. My eyes rolled as I felt a completely different type of sensation take over. He continued his blissful actions as my juices sprayed out splashing onto the ground and running down the chair. "Fuck baby look at you!" He said loudly and all I could do was moan. He finally stopped and he gave me a moment to catch my breath. "How about a break before I dominate that pussy again?" He said kissing my forehead and I nodded with a whimper. "Suck my cock for me baby." He said with a grunt before standing up. I sat up squatting down in front of him. I grabbed his belt, unbuckling it and pulling it off of him. I unbuttoned his pants pulling them down with his boxers and gasped as his cock popped free. He was huge. I mean I knew he was going to be big.... but I didn't know he was gonna be this big. I looked up at him and he smirked. I grabbed it in my hand and bit my lip. My hand could barely fit around it. I opened my mouth licking the tip making him groan lowly. I stared up at him innocently. I began bobbing my head around him making him moan. "Fuck Babygirl just like that." He panted out lowly. I ran my tongue along the vein on the bottom of his member. "Fuck! Hold still baby." He grunted and I did. He held my head steady as he began thrusting into my mouth. I gagged softly as his cock hit the back of my throat. I looked up at him with tear filled eyes making him groan loudly. "Fuck! I'm gonna cum! You gonna swallow it for me baby?" He asked with a pant and I nodded. He growled as his member twitched in my mouth before his warm seed slid down my throat. I moaned softly looking up at him fluttering my eyes closed. He groaned pulling out of my mouth. He bent down kissing my lips roughly as he gripped my hair in his hand. I moaned softly making him smile against my lips. He let go standing back up. "Lay against my desk." He said patting the desk. I stood up laying my upper body down on the desk. I looked back at him as he ran his fingers down my back. "You ready Babygirl?" He asked and I nodded with a hum. He rubbed the tip of his cock against my entrance before pushing in roughly making me moan. He began slamming into me deeply making the desk screech with each thrust. My thighs slamming painfully yet pleasurably against the surface. I gripped at the desk moaning out as he hit spots I never knew were possible. "Yes! Fuck! Oh god daddy!" I moaned loudly making him growl. "Yeah? You like I this dick pounding into your pussy baby? This what you like? Tell daddy." He panted and I moaned. "I-I love it daddy! I love your b-big cock ponding into me!" I whimpered out and he groaned slapping my ass roughly. He gripped my hair in his big hand pulling me up off the desk. I moaned as he wrapped his entire forearm around my upper body. "Fuck Babygirl I feel you getting close. Are you gonna cum for me huh?" He asked and I nodded with a whimper. "Cum. Cum hard for daddy." He growled in my ear grinding hard against me making my eyes roll. I exploded around his member moaning loudly as he smiled against my cheek. "Fuck there you go princess. Take daddy's cum deep in that pussy. I'm gonna cum." He groaned out slowing down as he circled his hips. "Fuckkkk." He groaned as he came inside of me. "Mmmm." I moaned softly fluttering my eyes closed. He kissed my cheek softly as he pulled out of me making me shiver. "Lay on the couch,spread your legs and pose for me." He said with a growl and I did as I was told. He grabbed my phone taking some pictures of me. He began typing on my phone before he smirked and handed my phone to me and my eyes widened. He sent the pictures to Marcus and sent a text saying:
I'm sorry it's gotta end like this Marcus but this is the man that came deep in that pussy and I can tell you there's no longer a thing between you and her. Hope you have a glorious day 😁👍🏽

I smirked up at him with a giggle. "So now you're my fling?" I asked and he shook his head. "Nahhh I'm your man, baby. Ain't no one else having you you hear me?" He said gripping my chin and I nodded. "Come on. I'll bring you to my place and we can clean up." He said and I nodded. "Umm what about the mess in here?" I asked looking at the wet spot on floor and in the chair. "The cleaning service will handle it. It won't be the last time I'll fuck you in here so they'll get used to it." He said with a wink making me blush. My very very bad mistake led me to being in a relationship with the sexiest man alive: What did I get myself into???

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