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Y/N P.O.V.
I smiled as my heals clicked against the concrete floor. I walked through the arena. I could feel the men staring at me and the women too. But I had only one in mind. Roman. Roman and I were engaged to be married. Not many knew. The world didn't know. I walked into my dressing room and changed into my outfit for the night.

I looked down at my dress smoothing it out before walking out of my dressing room

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I looked down at my dress smoothing it out before walking out of my dressing room. I walked to hair and makeup and they helped me out with my hair before I was off doing interviews. Then there was my last one of the night. My handsome sexy Fiancé. That was now the universal champion and he was the tribal chief. He walked backstage the camera following closely behind as I walked up to him. He looked down at me sexily. His body slick and sweaty making him shine. "Roman you have just become the Universal Champion and you have been crowned the tribal Cheif. How does it feel? What emotions are you feeling?" I asked with a smile and he smirked grabbing the mic from my hand. "It's rightfully earned. This title is where it belongs. I have always known I'm the best. This company doesn't have a single person in that locker room like me. That goes out there every single night destroys their opponents and put on a hell of a show like I do. Hell I've got the prettiest woman by my side." He said with a smirk, wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me close to him. "Ain't that right baby?" He asked with a smirk chuckling slightly. I looked up at him my mouth a gap. He pulled my hand up to his mouth flashing my ring slightly making it shimmer against the light before kissing it as he looked down at me with a smile. "Well I believe we have celebrating to do. Don't we my fiancée? So. Leave the Cheif alone." He said into the camera before pushing it so it wasn't facing us anymore. I smiled wildly at him. He picked me up making me squeal as he carried me to his dressing room before closing the door. He sat me down his hands trailing down my waist. I looked up at him before attacking his lips roughly. "Mm I can't believe you just did that." I said against his lips causing him to smirk. "Tired of hiding my fiancé from everyone." He growled out and I smiled. "That was so fucking hot. You owned that entire promo. Mmm and when you called me yours. God I fucking love you." I moaned out and he groaned out slapping my ass. "I fucking love you. Dressing all sexy and professional. Makes me feel like your a teacher or something. Sexy." He grumbled out making me hum. "Well. Maybe when we get to the hotel room I can teach you a lesson my tribal Cheif." I said with a wink and he groaned. "You can teach me a lesson Mrs. Reigns but you'll end up calling me your tribal Cheif all night long I can guarantee that." He said with a smirk and a wink. I raised a brow grabbing my purse feeling his large hand sliding along my ass. "Is that so?" I ask with a smirk and he hummed. "Come on. I'm ready to go fuck my fiancé." I said grabbing his hand as we walked out of the locker room. "Diddo babe." He said with a chuckle as we walked down the hallway. Some people congratulated us before we were stopped by the boss himself. Vince. "That was a pretty bold move you made Reigns. Do you think that was the right choice?" He asked gruffly and Roman nodded. "Absolutely. I think it is a good addition to the storyline. The Chiefs got the hottest woman by his side? Sounds pretty confident to me." He said and Vince nodded slowly. "Well I guess we'll see won't we. I'm warning you Reigns. If this backfires and causes me money, it's on your ass." He said pointing at Roman. "Of course it is sir. Now you have a great night. We've got some place to be." Roman said with a nod before we began walking once more. I looked up at him as we walked and he looked down at me. "What?" He asked with a smirk. "Your so bad tonight. I like it." I said with an evil giggle. He chuckled kissing my forehead. We finally got to our cars and I turned to him. "I'll see you at the hotel." I said looking up at him and he licked his lips before kissing me roughly. I moaned into his mouth before he let go. "See you at the hotel. Don't be too long." He said with a wink before getting into his car. I let out a huge breath before getting in mine. I drove to the hotel and walked up to the elevator, thinking and planning of all the things I wanted to do to my fiancé and all the things I wanted him to do to me. The elevator ride was short. As it opened I snapped out of my lust filled trance walking down the hall. I walked up to our shared hotel room door and I began taking out my key card before the door opened. "Oh Mrs. Reigns? What are you doing at my dorm? Did I leave something in class?" He asked with a smirk and I smiled. "No but I need to talk with you about your grade in my class Joseph." I said crossing my arms and he let me inside. I walked in and sat down on the bed. "Sooo what's up with my grade teach?" He asked as he sat down next to me. "You are failing my class Mr. Anoa'i and I find it very difficult to see you pulling it back up by the end of the semester. This could cost you your scholarship." I said in a serious tone. "Damn Mrs. Reigns isn't there anything I can do?" He asked looking at me with pleading eyes. "Well there is one thing you could do." I said with a smirk. "Anything." He said with a small smile and I hummed. I grinned his chin between my two fingers and looked deep into his eyes. "You can eat my pussy until I'm screaming your name and maybe I'll consider raising your grade." I said and his smirk grew wide. "Anything to get my grade up." He said with a smirk before he stood me up. "You know Mrs.Reigns I've always had a crush on you." He whispered in my ear making me smile and shiver. "Yeah? I've watched you on the field on football nights. You seem to know how to dominate that field. So how about you dominate me just like that." I said with confidence looking up at him and he groaned. "Get undressed Mrs.Reigns." He said and I shook my head. "How about you undress me?" I asked with a smirk and he nodded. He unzipped my dress and I smiled as he began kissing my neck. "You sure are a good kisser Mr. Anoa'i." I moaned out and he smirked. "Yeah? You like the way I kiss up on you Mrs.Reigns? Does it feel good?" He asked with a smirk making me bite my lip. "Mm it would feel better if it was lower and all my clothes were off." I said and he groaned sliding my dress off. He stepped back and looked at my body and groaned. "Matching bra and panties Teach? Seriously? Fucking teasing me and shit. I should punish you for walking around in all these fucking outfits." He groaned slapping my ass. I moaned softly as his hands trailed to my panties ripping them to shreds. I gripped his chin roughly and he looked at me. "I didn't tell you to tear them in half Anoa'i." I said raising a brow. "Shut up you know I'll pay for them." He growled pushing me back into the bed. "Don't talk back to me Anoa'i. Better do more sucking and less talking before I get to beating your but with my ruler." I said with a giggle and he growled pulling me to the edge of the bed latching onto me hungrily. "Fuck yes." I moaned out arching my back. "This better Mrs.Reigns?" He asked smirking and I groaned gripping his hair. "Stop talking and it this peach." I moaned out making him hum. He began tongue fucking me. Just how I like it. "Yes! Fuck Anoa'i. I knew that long ass tongue would come in handy." I moaned out grinding against his face. "You like that? Fuck your self on my tongue." He grumbled against my entrance and I moaned loudly circling my hips against his tongue. Suddenly he shoved two of his thick fingers into me curling them up into my g-spot. I squealed as he began fucking me with his fingers and sucking hard on my clit. "Want you to squirt all around my fingers." He grumbled looking up at me with dark eyes. I moaned gripping my fingers through his silky locks. "Fuck yes Joseph." I moaned as I felt my high begin to build. He curled his fingers faster and my breathing began to pick up. "Yes yes yes!" I moaned as my stomach coiled. My juices squirted onto his digits and all over his mouth. "Mmm so fucking good." He grumbled out. I panted softly as he looked up at me with a smirk. "Come lay down." I said patting the bed. He stood and I pulled him roughly to me by his pants making him grunt. He pulled his shirt off and I pulled his pants and boxers down stripping him completely naked. "Come on I want to try something new. Lay down." I said and he nodded biting his lip. He payed on the bed and I walked over to my bag grabbing lube. His eyes got wide and they twinkled. "Mrs.Reigns can you keep the heels on
for me?" He asked and I smirked and nodded. I unclipped my bra and grabbed the lube. I kneeled on the bed sitting on my heals in between his legs. I put some lube in my hand warming it up before rubbing his cock. He moaned lowly and I bit my lip. Once he was fully hard and oiled up. I rubbed lube on my breasts. He looked at me trying to process my dirty thoughts but wasn't putting two and two together. I placed his hard cock between my breasts and he groaned. "No way." He whispered and I smirked. "I know you've always wanted to so see this as a gift." I said with a wink. And he began pumping his hips. He moaned watching his cock slid in between my breasts. "Fuck I love you Mrs.Reigns." He groaned out and I hummed sticking my tongue out letting his tip slide against the wet muscle with each thrust. "Oh my god yes!" He groaned out and I smiled looking up at him innocently. "I need to be in you." He panted as he pulled away and lifted me up. "Hands and knees." He said and I did as he said. He lined up with my entrance before pushing into me slowly. "Mmmm." I moaned out smiling as he began thrusting into me. He slapped my ass making me moan. I looked back at him and he was biting his lip looking down at our connecting bodies. "Mmm fuck me harder." I moaned out bouncing my ass back against him. He gripped my hips thrusting into me harder. He slapped my ass again and grunted. "What's my fuckin' name?" He growled out and I moaned. "Mmm Joe." I moaned and he slapped my ass harder. "Try again." He grumbled. And I whimpered. "Daddy?" I moaned out and he growled slapping my ass four times. I squealed out at the pain yet pleasure. "Who am I?" He asked grittily. "Y-your the tribal chief!" I screamed out and he chuckled. "Yeahhh moan that shit for me baby. Come on." He groaned out as he began to fuck me faster. "Please! Oh my god please make me cum my tribal Cheif." I moaned out and I could feel his member begin to throb. He pulled out of me flipping me onto my back before thrusting back into me. I moaned as we connected eyes and he smirked. "Come on. I know you're close. Cum for your Tribal Cheif." He growled out sexily and I whimpered. The sound of skin slapping was the only thing I could hear as my vision blurred with tears of pleasure as I began to feel my high. "Ohhhh my fucking god in cumming for you my tribal Cheif! Oh fuck yes! YESSSSS!" I screamed out as I came around him. He groaned as his hips stuttered and he filled me. He panted as he slowly laid against me. "Fuck. I'm so in love with you." I panted out making him smirk against the skin of my chest. "Soo did I pass Mrs. Reigns?" He asked with a chuckle. "An A fucking plus Anoa'i. Now if you want extra credit you can wash me off in the shower." I said with a smile and he lifted his head and nodded. He slipped out of me, taking me heels off before bringing me into the bathroom and turning on the shower. We stepped in and he washed us off before we got out. We walked back into the room and laid in bed. He took his phone out and began to do something for a while before he turned it off and my phone pinged. I looked at him suspiciously before opening it to see I was tagged in a photo he posted. As I opened it I smiled widely looking up at him.

@RomanReigns: I remember first picking out your ring and being scared you were going to say no or that you weren't going to like it

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@RomanReigns: I remember first picking out your ring and being scared you were going to say no or that you weren't going to like it. But when I got down on one knee and your eyes gleamed with such happiness all of my fears faded and now here we are 2 short months away from marrying each other. My best friend. The love of my life. And I couldn't be happier. We had planned on keeping this a secret until the day but I saw no better opportunity than tonight. When I saw you in that gorgeous blue dress I knew something was going to slip out. But I can't say I'm not happy that everyone now knows I've got the sexiest, caring, and kind soon-to-be wife. I love you @Y/SM/N more than life itself. Cant wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

Your Tribal Cheif😉😘❤️

I looked up at him with tears in my eyes as I leaned up and kissed him softly. "I love you so much." I whispered and he smiled. "I love you more. Now let's get some rest. We can get some breakfast in the morning." He said kissing me once more before turning the lamp off and pulling me to his chest. I breathed in his scent slowly falling asleep.

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