Bad Days

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Y/n P.O.V.
Nothing was going well. Not one thing. I had lost my match. My fucking rental broke down. The airport lost my bags. I had to have my best friend Roman pick me up off the side of the road. Luckily he was nice enough to borrow me a shirt and some shorts. Once I made it to the hotel and up to my room all I wanted to do was take a nice warm shower to decompress. I turned the water on and it was freezing. I turned it all the way and it didn't change. I waited for a few moments before checking it again and it was still fucking FREEZING! I slammed the water off with an angry grumble. I felt myself beginning to get upset. I grabbed my purse grabbing my key to my room walking out and down the hall. I knocked on my bestfriends door and I heard him stand up and walk to the door. He opened it quickly and I bursted into tears. He blinked for a moment taking in what was happening before pulling me into his chest closing the door. "Babygirl what happened? Who hurt you?" He asked and I shook my head. "My day has just been the worst day every and I'm so tired of everything bad happening to me! I'm overwhelmed and stressed and my shower won't work and I don't have my suitcase!" I cried and he rubbed my back letting me get it all out. I cried into his chest harder and he shushed me. He picked me up carrying me over to the bed. He sat down pulling me on his lap as I continued to sniffle. "It's gonna be okay. Things will turn around I promise." He said and I nodded sniffling. "How about I get my shower ready for you and you can take a long hot shower and then you can borrow some of my clothes." He asked and I smiled and nodded. He slipped from beneath me. He walked into the bathroom and I heard the shower start. He walked out and I stood up walking over and hugging him. "Thank you." I whispered and he rubbed my back. "No problem Babygirl that's what best friends are for." He said and my smile faded. If only we could be more. I thought as I let go of him. I walked into the bathroom and shut the bathroom door softly. I began to undress before I then realized that I had nothing to shower with. I swore under my breath. I peaked my head out of the door seeing his wide frame laying on the bed. "Ro?" I asked soft and he sat up. "Something wrong babygirl?" He asked looking at me. "Uhm could I use your brush?" I asked and he nodded. "Yeah! Use whatever I got in there, hell use my body wash I don't care." He said with a chuckle and I smiled. "Thank you." I squeaked out before shutting the door. He always made me so nervous. His gorgeous face was a distraction. I grabbed his brush setting it in the shower. I stepped in and sighed as the hot water hit my body. I began to wash up as I heard a weird noise. It sounds close. I looked out of the shower and no one was there. But then as my ear was closer to the wall. It was coming from the room. I heard it again and it sounded like groaning. Was Ro okay!? I thought to myself but then I heard it again and blushed. "Ugh fuck Y/n. Yes." I heard through the paper thin walls. Was he doing what I think he's doing? Well saying MY name. HOLY FUCKING FUCK! I had to see for myself. I stepped out of the shower without turning it off. I wrapped a towel around myself before walking over to the door. I opened it slowly so he couldn't hear me. I stuck my head out slowly and my eyes widened as I watched him. He was stroking himself under the covers. I couldn't believe how long he was. The slow strokes of his hand giving me a percent picture of just how big he is. I bit my lip sneaking back into the bathroom. I stepped back into the shower and brushed my hair out before washing out the conditioner. I turned the water off. I stepped out and dried of lightly. I put lotion on brushing my hair out again. I opened the door and walked out. Completely naked. Roman looked up from his phone before looking back down. His eyes shot up to me and his mouth dropped. "Y-y/n." He said softly and I smiled. "Can I repay you for all you've done for me?" I asked softly and he blinked. "I-I." He couldn't even get a full sentence out making me giggle. "I heard you Ro. Stroking that hard cock of yours while you moaned my name." I purred as I crawled into the bed slowly. "Lemme have a taste... daddy." I whispered and he groaned. He threw the blanket off of him revealing his still hard cock. I moaned looking at how long and thick it was. I grabbed it on my hand as I licked up the bottom to his tip. "Fuck. Fuck Y/n." He choked out throwing his head back as I began to suck him down my throat. I moaned around him making his hips tilt. "God damnit I knew that mouth was gonna be good." He groaned making me smile. "Is this what you were thinking about daddy? My lips wrapped around your thick cock?" I asked with a smile and he shook his head biting his lip. "I was thinking about how good you'd look riding my dick." He growled out making my insides flutter. That sounded like a dream. He pulled me up to him before kissing me roughly. "Lay down." He growled as he flipped us over so he was on top. He kissed down my naked body. He spread my legs wide with his big hands before looking up at me and sucking directly on my clit. I moaned out as my back arched. His expert tongue swirling and moving just right. "Fuck me! God! Oh god!" I moaned as I twisted against his hold. His strong arms held me still against his devilish tongue. I was already close. "Ro I'm close please!" I moaned out gripping at his hair. I was going to take that down. I wanted to feel his soft curls in between my fingers. "Cum for me baby. Let out all that stress." He grumbled lowly against me and I whined as my body shook with pleasure. I came against his tongue and he lapped it up. I panted as he looked up at me and kissed my clit before pulling away. "Please take your hair down." I moaned out and he smirked. He pulled his hair down shaking his head softly as it fell perfectly. "Fuck me." I groaned out pulling him on top of me. He chuckled softly looking down. He grabbed his member lining up with my entrance before pushing in. I moaned softly as my back arched. One of his arms reached under the small of my back wrapping around my hip. He gripped my hip pulling me into his harsh thrust making me moan loudly. It felt so good. He was so long and deep inside me it was hard to form words. I looked up at him my eyebrows furrowed in pleasure as he grunted and moaned. "You like how I dominate this pussy baby?" He asked lowly as he looked into my eyes. I moaned out and nodded. "Lemme here you say it." He grumbled and I whined. "I-I like h-how you d-dominate t-this p-pussy d-daddy!" I moaned out and he smirked. "So tight baby. All for me right? Any time I want I can pleasure this pussy right?" He growled and I whimpered. "Y-yes daddy! Any time! Please please any time!" I moaned out scratching at his arms making him growl. "Please!" I moaned out and he smiled. "What do you need baby?" He asked lowly making me even more turned on if that was even possible. "I want you close to me! Please! K-kiss me." I moaned out and he smiled. He unhooked his arm from under me. Both of his arms crossing under me and gripping my shoulders. Pulling me even more into his thrusts as he bent down to my face kissing me roughly. I screamed in pleasure into his mouth as he rolled his hips. "Oh! Oh my god! Fuck! D-daddy." I moaned out and he kissed and sucked at my neck as I let out my moans and screams of pleasure. "You like how deep I am baby? This is my pussy. I own this do you hear me?" He growled softly in my ear making my eyes roll back. "Oh my god yes! Yes! Don't stop I'm so close!" I moaned out and he hummed softly. "I want you to cum hard around me do you think you can do that baby?" He asked lowly as he kissed my ear. I nodded quickly as I began to feel my high. I shook as my head slowly tilted back and I exploded around him. "YES! OH GOD!" I moaned out loudly making him groan. "Fuck." He growled loudly into my neck as I shivered. His cum filling me up marking my eyes flutter shut. I laid beneath him trying to catch my breath as he laid soft kisses to my neck. "You okay baby?" He asked his voice gritty from growling. "Mmmmm." I said with a smile kissing his cheek. He sat up slightly looking at me with a smile. "Can I take you on a date to the local fast food restaurant? Wherever you want? I don't think there will be any other places open. I think we might have done this backwards... I'm pretty sure I was supposed to wine and dine you before hand. But if your up for it we can do it this way." He said and I smiled and nodded. "LATE NIGHT TRIPS!" I said clapping making him laugh. He pulled out of me helping me sit up. "Uhmmm let's wash off first. I don't want to get cum on whatever you let me steal of yours." I said and he laughed and nodded. We walked into the bathroom starting the shower letting it warm up. We both washed off before getting out. He lended me one of his sweatshirts and some jogging pants. We both changed before he grabbed his keys. He let me jump on his back and he carried me all the way down to his car. Once we both got in we were on our way. "Where do you want to get food from?" He asked and I shrugged. "OH MY GOD! Let's go to White Castle!" I said and he smiled and nodded. Once we got there we went inside and ordered our food to go. As soon as it was ready we left. "Can we pick up some snacks and some wine from the gas station?" I asked and he smiled. "Let's have a lil movie date." He said with a wink making me smile. He pulled into the gas station and we went in grabbing snacks and drinks before we went back to the hotel. We walked up to our room with all of our stuff and set it on the bed. "Can I just wear one of your plain white shirts to bed?" I asked and he nodded as he slipped his shoes off. I stripped down and he laid down on the bed watching me. I looked back at him and he was staring at my ass. "Like something you see Reigns?" I asked with a smirk and he nodded. "I love it. Great view. I could stare at that glorious piece of art work all night." He said making me giggle. I slipped the shirt on and crawled on the bed next to him. He grabbed the remote and we found a funny movie to watch. We cuddled as we ate and drank. "Sooo you are my girlfriend right?" He asked as we cleaned up. "I don't think you've formally asked me mister." I said putting my hands on my hips. He smiled softly as he grabbed me pulling me down on the bad wrapping all of his limbs around me. He kissed my cheek making me giggle. "Be my girlfriend please please pleaaaaseee?!" He asked and I giggled and nodded. "Yes I'll be your girlfriend. Now come on I want to cuddle and fall asleep with my boyfriend." I said and he smiled letting go of me. We slid under the covers and he pulled me onto his chest kissing the top of my head. "Night babe." He said softly making me smile. "Night Ro." I said bad before he turned the lamp off. We slowly fell asleep to the sound of each other's heart beat.

I knooooowww I said that I was gonna post the Only Kings Pt.2 but it's taking me longer than expected because it's a LONG ASS ONE again. Soo I thought I'd surprise you all with this instead🥰🥰 well for the time being I should say.

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