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Y/n P.O.V.
It was safe to say that I was agitated. I love my husband to death. But sometimes he was focused too much on work and keeping healthy. Than me. We had been trying to start a family but that was going no where because a certain someone is in the gym every god damn day! Now don't get me wrong my husbands body was totally a plus. But when he's not making love to me or walking around the house shirtless. It wasn't that important. What was more important was the time we spend together. Which wasn't happening. You'd think that my husband taking a break from wrestling meant that we were going to spend a lot of time together. But nope. He's out in the god damn gym working out every day. And when he is inside he is sleeping because he's exhausted and he's sore. I've offered to give him a massage and he declines every time. So here I sit on the couch watching some reality tv show drinking my glass of red wine covered up with my cardigan. I had heard the door open but paid no mind to it knowing it was just my husband. He walked in and had a big smile still breathing heavy. "Guess what baby?" He asked with a big smile. I put a smile on my face not wanting to see him sad. "What babe?" I asked softly. "I hit my goal weight and I'm actually over it now!" He said excitedly and I smiled. "That's good I'm proud of you." I said downing my wine trying to hold myself back from wanting to scream. He walked into the kitchen without another word. I know he was making one of his meals because I heard him open the package. I quickly got up walking into the kitchen. "Babe I was going to make dinner tonight. Can you wait to eat until then? I was going to start soon." I said softly looking at him as he continued to unpack the meal. "Sorry baby I gotta stay on the diet." He said and I sighed setting my empty wine glass in the sink and walking away. I walked upstairs and began running myself a bath. I needed to relax before I exploded. Once it was ready I lit some candles and turned some relaxing music on before getting in. I sighed letting my head fall back against the wall drifting into my own little world. I thought about my husband. How good he was to me. Maybe I'm just being too needy and expecting to much from him. Then I thought of it more deeply and I realized he hadn't even fucking touched me in a month. We rarely cuddled. Kissed at night and that was about it. I grumbled. I had thought about it too much and I unplugged the drain. I walked into our bedroom grabbing a loose t-shirt and some shorts slipping them on. I walked downstairs and Joe was sitting on the couch watching some football game. I sat at the opposite end of the couch grabbing my book trying to get my feelings to simmer down. "Why so far away?" He asked with a soft smile and I looked at him and shrugged. "Come ooonnn babe what's wrong?" He asked with a chuckle and I sighed. "Nothing. I'm fine." I said looking over at him. "No your not you've been acting weird all day." He said shaking his head. "Hm surprised you noticed being that you've been in the gym for the passed three weeks none stop." I muttered rolling my eyes. "Is that what this is about? Am I not giving you enough attention?" He asked with a smirk. Like I was in just such a joking mood. I slammed my book closed angrily and looked over at him. "Does it look like I'm laughing?" I asked and his face went serious. "Babe I spend time with you every day." He said shaking his head and I let out a sarcastic chuckle. "Joe. You haven't given me an ounce of affection in a month." I said seriously and he rolled his eyes. "Babe that's not true." He said and I sighed I could feel it all about to spill out. "Yes it fucking is Joe! Every single day you are out in that fucking gym working until your so sore you can barely walk correctly and then you come in. Warm up one of your meals and watch whatever sports channel is on and you go to bed. Joe I miss us. I miss having you close to me. I miss us doing fun things together. For gods sake I JUST WANT LOVE! I miss it. I didn't realize that this new workout regimen was going to take you away from me. Joe we had a plan to start a family soon right? I mean we can't very well start a family if you don't even have sex with me once and a while. It's upsetting to me that you are home more than when you are on the road and we haven't spent hardly any time together. We spend more time together while your on the road. I just.... I just want that love that you show me back." I said softly as tears rolled down my cheeks before standing up putting my book on the end table beginning to walk up the stairs. "Baby wait-!" I heard Joe say but I shook my head. "Just let me be for a little while ok? Just let me calm down." I whispered out. My face had mascara running down it and I was a mess. But I didn't have the energy to care. I walked into our bedroom and closed the door. I walked over to our bed and slid in. Letting tears stream down my face. I sighed softly letting myself slowly fall asleep.
I woke up to soft kisses being laid on my cheek and I whimpered. "Joey bear is that you?" I asked sleepily. I had came up with that name a while back and loved it. "It's me baby. Can you wake up for me? I made you dinner. I can't let my girl go to sleep hungry now can I?" He rumbled softly. I opened my eyes slowly and turned towards him. I looked into his deep brown eyes and I could tell he had been crying. I sat up and looked up at him with worry. "You've been crying?" I asked reaching for his cheek. He pushed his cheek into my hand and sighed. "Don't you worry about me. I made spaghetti and homemade garlic bread and brought you a glass of wine." He said setting the tray in front of me and I moaned softly. It looked and smelled amazing.

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