Graveyard Shift

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Y/n P.O.V.
Working at a gas station wasn't ideal but it paid well and I am a college student trying to make a living. I was restocking things before I heard the automatic doors open. The grave yard shift was always interesting. People were always interesting. But never any that looked like him. He was gorgeous. Tall and muscular, his long silky hair pulled back in a bun. He was something that I could stare at forever. But I quickly made my way to my register trying to compose myself. He walked up and I smiled at him nervously. "D-did you find everything okay?" I asked and he nodded. "Any fuel?" I asked and he shook his head. "Naw Babygirl just this stuff." He said and my knees shook at the sound of his deep voice. "Okay you are all set. Have a nice night." I said softly looking up at him for a moment. "You too Babygirl." He said with a smile. I watched as he walked out and I sighed. God he was gorgeous. Once I had calmed down a little bit I began working again. The doors opened and I cocked my head to the side. He was here. Again? "Babygirl I'm sorry but I have to ask you... how old are you?" He asked and I blushed. "Uhm 24 why?" I asked and he smiled. "I think you are absolutely breathtaking. I didn't want to be weird and creepy if you were underage. I wasn't sure. You look young I wasn't sure how young." He said making me giggle. "Thank you. You are handsome as well." I said with a smile making him smile. I looked away feeling slightly awkward as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Hey, Uhm. Do you want to maybe hang out with me after your done with work?" He asked and I blushed. "I'm in town for a few days. A-and I've got a really nice hotel. You could stop by for a little bit. Just to hang out. If you are not comfortable with it or anything that's totally fine." He said nervously making me smile. "Uhm I work till 8 in the morning." I said and he smiled. "That's okay! Uhm you could come over and I can order breakfast for us." He said and I smiled. He seemed super sweet. And though it was risky, my instincts were telling me to. "Uhm okay. Sure!" I said with a smile and he sighed in relief. "Great! Can I have your number and I'll text you my room number? It's the four seasons hotel downtown." He said and I nodded trading numbers with him. "I'll see you later gorgeous." He said and I nodded blushing. I quickly took my phone out texting my best friend that I needed a change of clothes. She brought a cute outfit over to work for me and I thanked her. "Oh my god! Was he hot?" She asked and I nodded. "Long hair, big muscles, big tribal tattoo." I said and she gasped. "Oh my god hold on! Is he staying at an expensive hotel?" She asked and I nodded. "Bitch! You might have just been asked out by the Roman Reigns." She asked pulling her phone out. The name sounded familiar. "Was it him?" She asked turning the phone to me.

I gasped and nodded

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I gasped and nodded. "Oh my fucking god. Roman Reigns asked you out." She said and I smiled. "Uhm w-who is he?" I asked and her jaw dropped. "Only the best professional wrestler right now! The tribal Cheif! The one and only!" She said and I smiled. "So what you are telling me is you want me to get his autograph for you?" I asked and she squealed. "Please please please!" She asked and I nodded. "Since you brought me clothes I'll ask." I said with a giggle she hugged me over the counter making me laugh. "Okay I gotta get back to work." I said and she nodded.
I was finally finished with my shift and went to the bathroom to change.

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