[40]. Shiki Kurobane (Imayoshi x Reader)

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~Shiki Kurobane - Imayoshi Shoichi~

It was Valentine's Day and instead of spending the day with your mischievous boyfriend, you spent your time playing otome games in your room in your house that you and Imayoshi were living in.

Yeah, you live with him. Since the both of you were nearly graduating from high school, Imayoshi and your parents thought that it would be a great idea if you guys have your own house, so they bought a house for two of you.

Anyway, so you were in your room playing "10 Days With My Devil" and you were just talking to Shiki.

"Oh, mah gahd!!" You squealed.

Shiki had kind of longish hair and glasses like Imayoshi. They looked alike, but you thought that Shiki looked better.

In fact, you thought they looked exactly the same. The only thing that was different was their personalities.

Imayoshi had a mischievous and 'bad' personality. Yet, he can be sweet and caring at the same time.

While Shiki was a tsundere, who was always gloomy.

When you squealed, Imayoshi hurriedly came in the room and asked what was wrong.

"Oh, nothing. I was just squealing because Shiki is so... Ahh!!" You squealed once more.

Imayoshi walked over to you and sat behind you, with yourself sitting between his legs.

"Who's this Shiki, hm?" Imayoshi asked, looking over your shoulder.

Before Imayoshi could see who this Shiki was, you clicked your phone off.

"No-one you need to worry about," you said, turning your head slightly to face him.

"You sure you're not cheating on me with some other guy?" Imayoshi questioned.

"Don't worry, I'm not. You're the only guy I love," you smiled and kissed his lips.

Imayoshi pulled away from the kiss and stood up.

"I'll be downstairs if you need me," he said.

"Yep, sure. I got it," you smiled.

As soon as Imayoshi left, you quickly jumped on your bed and turned your phone on.

"I can't even...! You're too cute, Shiki!" You squealed.

You saw Shiki taking his glasses off and your felt like you were going to die when you saw him without his glasses.

You suddenly realized that you have never seen Imayoshi take his glasses off, despite the fact that you two lived together.

"I don't need to see his face. He looks like Shiki, so it's all good. Shiki, I love you so much! You're too cute!" You squealed.

As you were playing, a reminder box popped up randomly. It said:

It's Valentine's Day today~! Buy this chapter and see what happens with you and Shiki on Valentine's Day. Enjoy~!

"Of course I'll buy this chapter! Why wouldn't I?" You asked rhetorically and clicked "buy."

You were lying down next to Shiki on the bed and he was facing you with closed eyes.

"I can't even...! I'm gonna die! Shiki, why you so cute?!" You squealed.

There was a time skip in the game and Shiki got up from bed and put his glasses back on.

He didn't even say good morning to you and just walked to the bathroom.

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