[32]. Tulips (Moriyama x Reader)

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~Tulips - Moriyama Yoshitaka~

After school, Moriyama went to Seirin High, along with Kise who wanted to see Kuroko again.

"Kurokocchi!" Kise called as him and Moriyama came into Seirin's gym.

"Kise, what are you doing here!?" Kagami yelled.

"Moriyama-senpai wanted to see Izuki-senpai," Kise answered.

"Oh... But I was taking about you!" Kagami yelled.

"I just came because I wanted to see Kurokocchi," he finally answered.

"Izuki!" Moriyama called.

"What is it?" He questioned and ran over to the Shooting Guard.

"I need to ask you a favor," Moriyama said. "I need pick-up lines."


"There's this girl I like, but I don't think she'll have any feelings for me, so I need pick-up lines to make her fall for me," Moriyama explained.

"Ah, why don't you try tripping her and catch her. That way, she'll definitely fall for you," Izuki advised.

"That's the most stupidest thing I've ever heard," Hyuga said, randomly appearing.

"I actually think it's great!" Moriyama replied. "Will it be okay if you miss training for today?"

"If you want Izuki to die then yes, he can miss training," Riko replied 'innocently.'

"E-Eh, u-uhm, it's really your choice Izuki," Moriyama stuttered.


"Fine," Riko sighed. "What is it for, anyway?" She questioned.

"I'm giving him pick-up lines for a girl he likes," Izuki answered, making Riko's eyes widen.

"Why did you come to him for pick-up lines!? And what's more, pick-up lines, really!?" Riko exclaimed.

"Yep! I heard that they get girl's attention," Moriyama stated.

"They don't," Riko mumbled. "Alright, keep training, everyone!"

"Uh, coach?" Izuki called.

"Just go," she said.

"Okay! Let's go, Moriyama!" Izuki said and they both took off.

"Hey, Kobori-kun, have you seen Moriyama-kun anywhere?" You questioned.

"Huh? He said that he went to visit someone from Seirin," Kobori answered.

"Could he...?"

"Who?" You questioned.

"Oh, he went to see Izuki," Kobori answered.

"Alright, thanks, Kobori-kun," you replied.

"Thank goodness for that," you said and headed off to Seirin.

"Okay, so how many do you want?" Izuki questioned.

"I don't really know," Moriyama answered.

"Beacaue I have a lot," Izuki stated as he pulled out three books from his locker that was about 2cm thick.

"You must really popular with the girls!" Moriyama stated.

"Yep," Izuki replied. "Alright, here, you can read these and use them," Izuki said. "I have to go back to training."

"Thanks," Moriyama replied and Izuki headed out.

The Shooting Guard flipped open on a random page. He started listing down pick-up lines on the notepad he had.

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