[56]. It Girl (Kasamatsu x Reader)

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~It Girl - Kasamatsu Yukio~

Your eyes shot open when you heard your alarm go off. Groaning, you sat up and slammed the palm of your hand on the alarm, turning it off.

You looked at the time, it was 7am. You got up out of bed and walked towards the bathroom like a zombie. Early mornings were not your favorite time of the day.

Once you got to the bathroom, you fixed your (Hair Color), messy hair and washed your face. After that, you went and made breakfast for yourself.

Your parents were rarely home, since they worked at a hospital, so you had to make and provide most things for yourself.

After breakfast, you went to your room and changed into your school uniform, You went to Kaijo High and you were a third year there.

Once you were done getting ready for school, you left the house and walked to Kasamatsu's house, since the both of you always walked to school together.

Everyday, before school and during break time, you and Kasamastu always went to the music room at Kaijo, since the black haired male was going to do an end of year performance.

You weren't going to do it, since you were too shy, but you were just helping Kasamatsu pick out a song, and it's been nearly 2 weeks since you and him tried to pick out a song for him to play.

"(First Name), good morning," Kasamatsu's mother greeted you as she opened the door after you knocked.

"Good morning," you greeted back with a small smile and bowed

"Yukio's still in his room," his mother said as she opened the door wider, knowing that you were looking for him.

"Ah, thanks," you said as you came in the house and walked to Kasamatsu's room.

As you got closer to his room, you could hear an instrument being played; a guitar.

You knocked on the door, "Yukio?" You called and opened it slowly.

"A-Ah, (F-First Name)!" He stuttered as you opened the door wider. "What-What are you doing here?" The male asked. "School doesn't start in an hour."

"Did you forget already?" You chuckled. "We're supposed to be going to school early, so you could pick out a song and practice it since you were going to do an end of year performance," you explained.

"O-Oh, yeah..."

"So," you started as you walked over to the male who was sitting on his bed with his guitar, "have you picked out a song yet?" You sat next to him.

"U-Um, no, not yet," Kasamastu answered.

"What were you playing, then?" You asked as you saw the scattered music sheets on his bed and picked one up.

"N-Nothing!" He replied and snatched the sheet from you. "I-I was just playing a random song, while, um... Waiting for you to arrive, s-so let's get to school," Kasamatsu said as he started to pack the guitar and his sheets up.

"Oh, okay," you said.

After school...

You were in the music room, playing around with the drums as you waited for Kasamatsu to come.

The basketball captain still hadn't arrived yet, so you took out your phone and called him, but he didn't pick up.

"Where is he?" You asked yourself.

You were getting impatient waiting for the male, so you got your bag and walked out the music room. You went to look for Kise, maybe he knew where his basketball captain was.

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