[42]. Not My Type (Hanamiya x Reader)

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~Not My Type - Hanamiya Makoto~

I was meant to post this on the 14th, BUT I accidentally fell asleep.

It says "yesterday was Valentine's Day" and shit like dat because I was meant to post it on the 15th, but I fell asleep AGAIN and was gonna post it yesterday, BUT I fell asleep. Don't kill me xD


You went to school at Kirisaki Daichi and you were a first year there.

You had a best friend, but she was a second year. You two were best friends, but she was the complete opposite of you.

She was nice to people, but you were mean. She was obedient, but you were not. She was helpful, but you weren't.

The both of you didn't really get how you two became friends in the first place.

You were in class, bored, and you decided annoy the teacher.

You cut up your eraser into small pieces and then when the teacher turned, you threw it at his back.

No-one saw you, since you were sitting at the back of the class and the students next to you were too busy paying attention to the boring lecture.

It missed his back and you frowned. You threw more rubbers at him and it hit his shirt, but he obviously didn't feel it.

You threw two rubbers at the same time and it went in his shirt. You snickered and picked up your pen, pretending to do your work.

(A/N: I actually did this to the teacher at Food Tech :3 )

The teacher felt it and tried getting the thing out his shirt.

The class looked at him like wtf and stared. Some laughed, some snickered and some told others to stop.

The teacher finally got the rubbers out his shirt and put his gaze to you as he glared.

"(Last Name)-chan."

"Yes?" You asked so innocently.


"What? But, sensei, I did nothing," you replied innocently, putting your hands up.

"Detention," the teacher repeated and went back to teaching the class as you groaned.

After class...

"(First Name)-chan," your best friend called.


"You promised me to try and stay out of trouble for the day," your best friend reminded.

"You should know I don't keep promises very well," you stated.

"I know, but... I thought you were serious this time," your best friend frowned.

"I got detention, but it wasn't worth it. The teacher didn't yell," you sighed.

"Just leave the teachers alone...," your friend asked of you and you smirked. "... And the students," she added as you frowned.

"You're such a goody-two shoes, (Best Friend's Name)," you stated.

"And so what if I am? I want to study well," your best friend stated.

"What's the point of school?" You questioned.

"To get a good job," your best friend answered.

"Tell me, what job has you switching every hour? Biology the next, then you're in Maths, then all of sudden, you're doing P.E.?"

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