[36]. I Hate You (Akashi x Reader)

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-I Hate You - Akashi Seijuro~

The red headed captain of Rakuzan's basketball club...

You disliked him...

You hated him...

You despised him...

You hated every single thing about him.

Especially his 'always win, always right' attitude.

But why do you get the feeling that you're slowly falling in love with him?

"(Last Name)-chan!" Hayama called to you.

You turned to him, "what?" and answered coldly.

"Gee, you're so cold," Hayama whined.

"What do you want, Hayama-kun?" You asked.

"It's Valentine's Day today," Hayama stated.


"Aren't you gonna give anything to a certain someone in the basketball club?" Hayama questioned.

"No," you answered bluntly.

"Are you sure you aren't gonna give it to a certain red headed captain?" Hayama questioned.

"Seijuro!? No way! I hate him!" You cried out.

"But you're calling him by his first name," Hayama smirked. "There's definitely something going on with the two of you."

"There isn't," you glared at the boy.

"Are you sure~?"

"Get lost, Hayama-kun. Akashi-kun and I have nothing going on," you stated.

"Isn't hating someone another way of hiding your love for them?" Hayama questioned.

"Not for me, idiot."

"You know, he's got feelings for you, too," Hayama stated.

"I know that and I don't care. Akashi's been giving me flowers everyday, just to annoy me," you stated. "And to show how much he loves me," you mumbled.

"He asked me to ask you to meet him at the front gate after school today," Hayama said.

"No," you quickly answered.

"Aw, why not? I thought you had feelings for him," Hayama pouted.

"I do have feelings for him," you replied.

"See, I was right!" Hayama cried.

"Anger and hatred," you stated bluntly.

"(Last Name)-chan, just meet him at the front gate after school," Hayama repeated.

Before you could say anything else, Hayama ran away.

"What does Akashi-kun want?"

After school...

You were about to leave and exited the front gate, but someone grabbed your hand and pulled you towards their chest.

Your eyes widened and you pushed the person away. You saw that it was Akashi.

"What do you want, Akashi-kun?" You glared at him.

"Didn't Kotaro tell you to meet me here?" Akashi questioned.

"He did, but I decided I didn't want to see you ," you shrugged and started to walk off.

"Don't oppose me, (First Name)," Akashi said threateningly as he grabbed your wrist and squeezed it.

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