[24]. Kise's Cousin (Kuroko x Reader)

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~Kise's Cousin - Kuroko Tetsuya~

"Everybody!" The yellow haired male called to the Generation of Miracles who was in the cafeteria.

"Please be quiet, Kise-kun," Akashi said.

(A/N: this is before he got his Emperor's Eye. This is their second year of middle school).

"Sorry, Akashicchi," he replied. "Anyway, I want you guys to meet someone!" Kise said.

"Didn't I just say to be quiet?" Akashi sighed.

"Who?" Aomine asked.

"She's my cousin. She just came back from America from a photo-shoot," Kise explained. "She's a first year here, too," he added.

"Okay," Kuroko replied. "Where is she?" He asked.

"(First Name)cchi, there's no need to be shy. They won't hurt you," Kise said and you popped your head beside his right arm.

"Oh, damn, she's sexy," Aomine said, since he was on the side, he could see your figure, making you blush.

"Aominecchi!" Kise asked in a scolding tone. "Sorry, (First Name)cchi, this is Aomine Daiki and one thing you need to know about him is that he's a big pervert and goes for girls with big breasts," Kise introduced.

"Shut up, Kise!" Aomine yelled at him.

"That's Akashi Seijuro. He's the captain of the basketball team."

Kise pointed to Akashi and he just smiled at you, making you blush again.

"Over there is Midorima Shintaro. He's really weird because he always carries 'items'."

Midorima just glared at Kise and you saw that he was holding a plush (Favorite Animal).

You whispered something in Kise's ear and Kise ordered Midorima to give it to him.

"What, no!" Midorima said.

"Please, just for a while and I'll give it back!" Kise begged.


"It's for (First Name)cchi," Kise said.

"... I'll give it to her at the end of the day, since I have no use for it," Midorima hesitantly decided, adjusting his glasses.

"Ah, and Midorimacchi's also a tsundere. I think he likes you," Kise winked at you.

"I-I do not!" He denied.

"Anyway, that's Murasakibara Atsushi. He likes sweets very much," Kise introduced the purple giant. "And he doesn't seem to get any fatter...," Kise added.

Murasakibara just waved at you with a candy bar in his mouth.

"Well, I think that's everyone," Kise said. "Who-."

You interrupted Kise when you whispered something in his ear and pointed to the light blue haired boy next to Aomine.

"Kurokocchi's been there?! (First Name)cchi, how did you notice him!?" Kise asked you and you slightly shrugged.

"Anyway, that's Kuroko Tetsuya. He's pretty much invisible, but he's part of the first string team in basketball," Kise stated.

You looked at the phantom and felt your heart beat faster. Kuroko smiled at you and you blushed, looking away.

"Well, now that I've introduced everyone, can someone show (First Name)cchi the school after school?" Kise asked them. "I have a photo-shoot."

They all answered in unison:

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