[83]. Cuddles (Hara x Reader)

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~Cuddles - Hara Kazuya~

Hara Kazuya was the guy you came to see as someone who chewed on bubblegum 24/7 and generally the guy who needed a haircut. He was that guy who sat behind you as he chewed his gum, bangs covering his eyes as he tried to get your attention.

You didn't have any plans to get yourself involved with Hara. It was fine if you two talked, but you were fully aware of his unpleasantness, so you would always avoid him. It was pretty hard, though, especially since he followed you around most of the time.

But, soon enough, you were starting to fall for Hara. You didn't know why. Maybe because you saw that he had another side to himself and you found it cute?

Meh, it doesn't matter, because here the both of you are, after a year later, dating for nearly six months now.

You and Hara were on top of the school's rooftop, skipping another hated class. You wanted to go back before you get another detention, but the male wanted to stay and spend more time with you - alone.

"Kazuya, let's go back. I'm cold and we're going to get detention again," you frowned, slightly turning to the right to look at him as he cuddled up behind you, resting his head on your shoulder.

"Don't worry, you'll get warm soon~," Hara replied as he played with his gum between his teeth, ignoring your second statement.

"Oh, yeah? How so?" You asked him, turning your head back to the front as you looked down at the tiled floor.

"I'm your personal heater," he answered like the smart ass he is and you face-palmed internally.

Letting out a defeated sigh, you just decided to skip class. But it wasn't like you didn't enjoy it up on the rooftop with Hara; you felt comfy between his arms and he felt comfy having you there.

You were pretty much a 'pillow heater thing', as Hara called it, to him. He liked how warm you were, how you fit between his long arms when he wrapped them around you and how you would rest yourself against his chest.

The boy suddenly blew in your ear after a long while of silence. You shivered and turned to look at Hara with a glare, "Kazuya, don't do th–" you were cut off when you tried to push yourself away from him, but he wrapped his arms tightly around you.

"Don't go," he said in a pouting tone as he rested his chin on your shoulder again, "I'm sorry~."

You continued to glare at him, but your eyes softened. You couldn't say no to him, he was too cute. Your friends all wondered why you were dating such a guy, but he had another side he only showed to you, so they wouldn't understand.

Comfortable silence embraced the two of you as the cool wind blew against your bodies. Hara had no ill intentions this time, he just wanted to cuddle up to his lovable girlfriend.

"(First Name)," the male called and you hummed in response, turning your head slightly. "I love you," he said softly.

Your friends always judged you for dating someone like Hara. You wished they could see his other side, but the male was too shy or embarrassed to show it. I mean, imagine how his friends would be like, teasing him to no end.

Your lips curved into a smile, "I love you, too," you said and gave him a kiss on the lips, tasting the minty flavor from his gum.

A short one-shot for Hara, aha. It was meant to be posted on his bday (July 3rd), but I got busy.

Um, I hope you all enjoyed this :)

Up Next:

An author's note, haha

July 4th, 2016 - Monday

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