[22]. Stalking (Imayoshi x Reader x Hyuga)

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~Stalking - Imayoshi Shoichi and Hyuga Junpei~

"Kiyoshi, come here," Hyuga ordered as he waved his hand, standing by the school gate.

"Hyuga, I thought you went home early."

"No, I just faked it," Hyuga replied as he beckoned the taller male to follow him. "I've seen something I can't unseen," Hyuga stated.


"That bastard Imayoshi, I saw him kissing (First Name)."


"What do you mean 'eh?'!? What do you mean with that flat reaction!?"

"No, I mean, I'm surprised," Kiyoshi replied and Hyuga just facepalmed himself.

Few hours later...

"So, Hyuga, you said they're going to have a date today?" Kiyoshi asked again.

While the captain squinted and did a sweep with his eyes all over the place.

Hyuga peeked at your emails yesterday and Imayoshi clearly stated that he was going to take you on a date.

"Yeah," Hyuga answered.

"So, what are we doing here?" Kiyoshi asked again.

"Don't you understand!? Imayoshi will take advantage of our innocent (First Name)!"

"Senpai," a voice from behind them called. "Why did you ask me to come along?" Kagami asked.

"Hmph," Hyuuga adjusted his glasses, confidence light emitted through them. "So you and Kiyoshi can pry Imayoshi off of (First Name) if he molests him."

"Hahaha, you have a good imagination," Kiyoshi chuckled humoredly.

"Senpai, don't you think you're being a bit too overprotective?" Kagami sweatdropped.

"(First Name)'s innocence is on the line. We can never be too overprotective."

"I said 'you' not 'we'," Kagami stated mentally.

Finally, the two targets appeared in the mall and Imayoshi accompanied you for clothes shopping.

"Senpai, they're just shopping," Kagami said behind a big pillar.

"Yes! But after that? Imayoshi can drag her to a shady corner and do this and that."

"There is no trap, that little girl won't be able to trap Imayoshi."

"Eh?" The three of them voiced their bewilderment when a somehow a familiar voice said to them.

They turned to their right, where three Touou regulars were hiding behind a really big pot plant. Wakamatsu in turn stared at them when sensing eyes on him.

"EH!?" The six of them yelled.

"I'M SORRY!" Sakurai added.

"What are you guys doing?" Kiyoshi asked conversationally.

"We're here to protect Imayoshi-senpai," Wakamatsu glared.

"What? Are you kidding me? Protect Imayoshi from what?"

"That Seirin must have seduced him! We won't let him trap our senpai!"

"Trap? TRAP!?" Hyuga's face was decorated with vein lines.

He jumped at Wakamatsu and wrestled the taller boy into a headlock and turned Wakamatsu to face the couple who was ten meters away.

"LOOK! Who trap who!? (First Name) is far too innocent and your senpai is far too creepy! Manipulative! It's (First Name) who needs protection!"

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