[71]. Step By Step (Kuroko x Reader)

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~Step By Step - Kuroko Tetsuya~

After school, Kuroko and Aomine - mostly Aomine - decided to play a one-on-one at the basketball court outside of school, since practice was canceled.

After playing for a while, a classmate approached the both of them and told Kuroko that someone was looking for him.

Once their classmate left, Aomine turned back to the ring and shot the ball, "You should go, it might be important," he told the boy and Kuroko headed off.


Kuroko walked back to the school and spotted a pink haired girl, the one who asked one of his classmates to meet up with her. That girl was also Kuroko's crush.

She confessed to him and asked if he wanted to go on a date with her; he accepted. That didn't mean that they were both dating, though. The girl wanted to see how it would go before they actually do start dating seriously.

Once the boy got back home, he immediately went on his laptop and started searching up on how to act, what to do and what to wear during dates. He's never really been on a date before, so he was quite inexperienced.

The next day...

"(First Name), forgive me. I'm sorry," a gray haired boy begged you as he held on to your wrists tightly.

"No, stop it. Leave me alone. I wanna go home," you told him, trying to release your wrists from his grip.

It went for a while, him begging and you trying to make him let go, until Kuroko walked past and saw the both of you. He walked closer and you noticed from the corner of your eye.


You and Kuroko were sitting on the bench near the front gates and by annoying him, you poked his cheek repeatedly as you smiled widely.

The boy grabbed your hand and turned to you, "Why are you laughing? I helped you, (First Name)," he frowned.

"Aww. If Daiki found out I'm the reason why your face has small bruises, I'll definitely be in trouble," you stated teasingly.

"Then I should have let him rape you. I shouldn't have helped you," Kuroko regretted, still frowning. "But what happened, (First Name)?"

"Promise not to tell anyone, alright?"


"I caught him cheating, so when I found out, I wanted to break up with him, but he doesn't want to. He begged me not to and if I did...," you trailed off and shuddered at the thought.

"Wow... And if I didn't come..."

"Tetsuya, that's disgusting!"

"You're hot, that's why," he complimented straightforwardly.

Your eyes widened in surprise then smacked the boy on the back, "Aomine's tainted you, stop hanging out with him! But thank you, anyway!"

Kuroko only smiled slightly at your reply. "By the way, (First Name), can I ask you a favor?"

The following day, you waited at the park for Kuroko to arrive, sitting on a bench. He finally arrived after a 'long while' and you stoop up abruptly.

"You're late."

"It was only 5 minutes late, (First Name). It's not like you haven't been late before. Forgive me?" He asked of you.

You only crossed your arms and frowned at the blue head as he continued to ask you for forgiveness. You sighed. It wasn't even a big deal, anyway.

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