[13]. We Meet Again (Part 2) (Himuro x Reader)

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~We Meet Again (Part 2) - Himuro Tatsuya~

You came back from America a year ago and was now schooling at Yosen High in Akita as a first year.

Your mom and dad had to go back to America a few months ago for work and now you were living alone.

You were in class, playing with the keychain someone gave you six years ago as the teacher lectured the class about (Least Favorite Subject).

Soon, the bell finally rang an hour later, but felt like years to you.

"That's it for today," he said. "Class dismissed."

You packed up your things and headed towards your locker.

While walking there, you saw a familiar black haired male walk past you with a tall, purple haired male.

"Tatsuya?" You said to yourself. "Haha, I must be dreaming."

You shook the thought off and put your stuff in your locker and took out some other stuff for your next class.

You walked to your next class and Murasakibara was in the same class as you.

When you walked into class and sat, the tall male approached you.

"Are you (Last Name)-chin?" He asked, nibbling on something.

"Y-Yes," you answered shyly.

You see, you suddenly became shy ever since you came back to Japan six years ago.

You didn't have any friends either because you were too scared to make some.

You actually had a friend in elementary school, but you found out that she just used you because of your looks. In middle school was the same, too.

Ever since then, you never wanted to be friends with anyone; you didn't want to be close with anyone because you were scared that they were going to use you again.

But one day, someone wanted to be friends with you and they never used you. Although, you never hung out with them.

"Muro-chin wantsh you on the shchool wooftop," Murasakibara said with a mouthful of snacks.

"Wh-Who's 'Muro-chin'?" You asked quietly.

"Shomeone you know," the purple haired Titan said.

"Wh-When... Do I go there?" You asked.

"After shchool," Murasakibara answered and went back to his seat.

"Someone I know?" You questioned yourself as you watched the tall male go back to his seat. "Maybe it's Tatsuya? I saw Murasakibara-kun with him."

After school, you climbed to the rooftop. While you were climbing, you slipped on a bar and nearly fell to the ground, nearly.

You shut your eyes and felt someone catch you. You opened your eyes and saw a handsome, black haired male that looked a lot like Himuro.

"T-Tatsuya?" You stuttered with wide eyes.

"Hey, (First Name)," Himuro greeted, smiling (A/N: that could make any girl squeal XD ).

"It's-It's been... A while," you said shyly, blushing a little as you looked away.

"Hey, look at me," Himuro said, putting his hand to your chin and made your blushing face turn him.

"Wh-When did you come back?" You asked him. "A-And can you please put me down?"

"Recently," Himuro answered and put you down. "Why are you stuttering?"

"N-No reason," you answered and climbed up the ladder and Hinuro followed.

"(First Name)?" He called when both of you sat on the rooftop.

"Y-Yeah?" You answered.

You turned to face Himuro and then he quickly kissed you and you were just too shocked to do anything.

You hesitantly kissed him back, then pulled away and faced the other side, so he couldn't see your blushing face.

"Wh-What is it?" You asked.

"Look at me," Himuro said.

"I'm-I'm fine, thanks," you replied, looking down and put your hands to your face.

"Of course, you're fine. Just look at me," Himuro said put your hands down and he made you turn to face him. "You're still beautiful, (First Name)," Himuro said.

"D-Don't say such things, Tatsuya," you said, blushing harder and tried to look away, but Himuro put his hand under your chin.

"Why are you so shy? You were never like this when we met six years ago," Himuro stated.

"Wh-When I was in middle school..."

You explained what happened and Himuro just hugged you without warning.

"I'm sorry...," he started.

"It's-It's not your fault," you replied.

"... That I wasn't there for you," he finished.

"D-Don't worry! It's the past," you said and Himuro released you.

"Do you still have the keychain?" He asked you.

"O-Of course, I do. It's here," you said and took the keychain out of your pocket.

"That's good," Himuro smiled.

"Wahh!! (First Name)'s so lucky!" (Friend's Name) whined.

"(Friend's Name)-chin, why are we spying on them?" Murasakibara asked, chomping on chocolates

"Because I just want to see how far they'll get. (First Name)'s never had a boyfriend before," you friend said.

"Have you?" Murasakibara asked.

"M-Me? Uh, well, yeah, but he was cheating on me, so I dumped him," your friend recalled.

"Wanna go out?" Murasakibara said straightforwardly.

"H-Huh? Are you joking!?" Your friend asked, shocked.

"No. I like you. Your tall," Murasakibara said.

"That's your only reason?" Your friend sweat dropped.

"And because you give me snacks," the purple male stated.

"I'll-I'll think about it."

"Shooting Guard?" You asked.

"Yeah, of the basketball team," Himuro repeated.

"That's great," you smiled at him.

"Your even more beautiful when you smile," Himuro complimented.

You stared at him for a while and suddenly blushed furiously, "s-stop making me blush!" You scolded, hiding your face again.

"(First Name)," Himuro called.

"W-What?" You answered.

You looked at the boy and he kissed you again, but this time, it was a passionate kiss and you kissed him back.

Himuro pulled away and said, "I love you."

"I-I love you, too," you replied and then he hugged you.

Extended ending:

"You were watching us, Atsushi?" Himuro questioned as he held your hand.

"Yeah," Murasakibara answered, while holding your friend's hand.

"And I see that you and (Friend's Last Name)-chan are together," Himuro smiled.

"Sh-Shut up, Himuro-kun," your friend said, blushing furiously.

"No need to blush, (Friend's First Name)-chin," Murasakibara said and pecked you friend's lips.

"A-Atsushi!" Your friend scolded, while you and Himuro just chuckled.

January 6th, 2015 - Tuesday

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