[61]. The Right Choice? (Kagami x Reader)

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~The Right Choice? - Kagami Taiga~

Your best friend took the bus to your house right after school. She wanted to visit you straight away because you were absent today and so was Kagami.

She wondered if anything bad happened to the two of you, or maybe you and the dark red head just wagged school and went on a date, but that rarely happened.

Although, it could just be a coincidence that you and him were absent today, but she wanted to ask if everything's alright, anyway. She tried calling you, but you weren't answering.

Once your best friend got to your house, she knocked on the door and it was opened by your (Mom's Hair Color) haired mother.

"Ah, (Best Friend's Name)," your mother greeted with a smile. "Come to see (First Name)?" She asked once your best friend entered the house and closed it.

"Yeah, she wasn't at school today, so I was wondering why. She wasn't picking up my calls, either," your best friend stated.

"Well, you see, (First Name) didn't want to go to school because something happened between her and Taiga. I don't know exactly, since she didn't really want to tell me any more," your mother explained. "But she's not sick."

"Ah, I see," your best friend replied.

"You can go ask her. I'm pretty sure she's in her room."

"Okay, thanks," your best friend replied, walking up to your room and knocked on the door as she called for you.

There was no answer, so she slowly opened the door and found a bump on the bed. Your best friend knew it was you straight away.

"(First Name)...?" She called as she closed the door and walked towards your bed.

"(Best Friend's Name)," you said, a bit surprised as you pulled the covers off you and slowly sat up, holding your phone in one hand.

She walked over towards the bed, "You weren't at school today," she stated. "Your mother told me you weren't sick and you don't look like you are, either," the girl started as she sat on your bed.

"I'm sick, she probably just doesn't wanna worry you," you said, sitting up properly, but the redness in your eyes says different.

"Are you sure? You really don't. You look like you had just finished crying," your best friend frowned, not believing your answer.

She looked at the phone in your hand and saw a picture of you and a certain dark red head at the prom from about a month ago. The male had his left arm around your shoulder and the both of you had big grins on your faces.

You were wearing a (Random Color) dress that were up to your knees, while the dark red head was wearing a pair of black pants, a white dress shirt and a black vest with his black coat over his right shoulder.

Your best friend knew something bad happened between you and Kagami. She knew that you would look at your photos together with him when you and the male argued, which only happens sometimes.

"Something happened... Right...?" Your best friend asked hesitantly, not knowing if she would ask or not.

You didn't speak, but only nodded in response. You rubbed your eyes when you felt it start to water again.

"Do you wanna talk about or...?"

"We broke up, (Best Friend's Name). To put it more specifically... I broke up with him," you said, your voice starting to crack.

"Huh?" Her eyes widened, surprised at what you had said. "But your relationship with Taiga-kun had been going so smoothly for nearly 4 months, right? What made you guys- I mean, you break up?" She questioned.

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