[20]. Whose Birthday? (Hanamiya x Reader)

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~Whose Birthday? - Hanamiya Makoto~

"Hey, (Nickname That You Hated)-chan," Hara called to you.

"Urgh! Don't call me that, Kazuya," you groaned at your childhood friend.

"I'll stop if you let me do this...," he trailed off and you turned to him with a confused face.

Then suddenly...


That was the sound of his chewing gum popping right in front of you, getting it on him and your face.

"Kazuya!" You screamed and you started to chase the male.

"Hey, it was an accident," he lied, running around tables.

"No, it wasn't! Get back here!"

"And hold it right there, (First Name)," you hear your boyfriend say, stopping you with one arm. "Why do you have gum on your face?" He questioned.

"What do you want, Makoto? I'm busy right now," you said, glaring at Hara and he waved back innocently.

"Oh," he said when he finally got that you were trying to 'murder' Hara. "Then I won't stop you," Hanamiya replied as he let you go and you started to chase your childhood friend.

Hanamiya walked to his desk and near there sat Furuhashi and Yamazaki.

"What do you think, Hanamiya?" Furuhashi asked, looking at the captain with dead eyes.

"She forgot... Again," Hanamiya answered.

"Just take her out on a date and she'll probably remember when she's with you," Yamazaki said.

"Kazuya, you idiot, stop running!" You screamed at him.

"No, you have to catch me~," Hara replied. "That seems fairer."

After a while, you finally caught your annoying childhood friend and bashed him up.

"Hey, stop her, Hanamiya! We need Hara for the games!" Yamazaki exclaimed.

"Sure, sure," Hanamiya replied and walked over to you.

You were sitting on Hara's back and was pulling his hair. Then, you started punching his back.

"(First Name), stop that," Hanamiya ordered you.

"No, this guy popped gum on my face. I'm gonna kill him!" You replied and started to pull his hair harder.

"(Nickname That You Hated)-chan!" Hara screamed.

"You're so short tempered," Hanamiya stated.

"At least I ain't a sadist," you retorted and then you got picked up by him.

"Put me down, Makoto!" You yelled.

"You can bash Hara up after our little date," he said.

"When do we go?" You asked quickly and started to pick off the disgusting gum off your face.

"Just go back home and I'll give you a call," Hanamiya answered and you rushed home.

"Thanks, Hanamiya," Hara said, getting up.

"She'll still bash you up. I can't stop that," he shrugged.

"But at least I can hide," Hara said and rushed off.

An hour later...

"Why is she dating him of all people!?" Your dad questioned your mom.

"Honey, it's her choice who she chooses to date. We can't force her to date who we want," your mom explained and your dad rolled his eyes.

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