[77]. In My Heart, Not My Life (Mayuzumi x Reader)

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~In My Heart, Not My Life - Mayuzumi Chihiro~

On the way back home from school, Mayuzumi had offered to walk you home again. You didn't want to be rude and accepted his offer.

The both of you started talking about school stuff, then the conversation switched to some deep topics. When you were nearly home, the topic changed to loving someone.

"Oh, now that I think about it, you never told me if you had a crush on anyone or not," you stated, looking up at the boy as the both of you kept walking.

"Mhm, but there's no need to tell you. My love for her will go away sooner or later. I know she would reject me if I told her," the boy shrugged.

"You know, if you really loved this person, you wouldn't say something like that. Come on, I'll help you out with her. Who is it?"

Mayuzumi hesitated for a bit before shaking his head. You really wondered who it was. You wanted to help him get the girl he loved. The rest of the way home was pretty quiet after that.

The both of you made it back home and Mayuzumi said goodbye as he started to walk off. You stood there as you watched him and then quickly ran after him.

You grabbed his hand and asked Mayuzumi who the girl was. He turned around and stared at you. The boy suddenly hugged you and whispered something in your ear.

You felt your heart sink to your stomach as the words left his mouth. The gray head let go of you and gave you a small sad smile before quickly leaving. You were just left standing there, feeling heartbroken.

But why were you feeling heartbroken?


It was pretty late at night and Mayuzumi was reading a light novel. His phone suddenly buzzed and the boy glanced at it. It was from you.

(Last Name/First Name): I'm sorry, I can't return your feelings...

Mayuzumi knew why. He knew you had your eyes on someone else, even though you've never actually admitted it. You were scared he might get upset, since you had a feeling he liked you.

Swiping on the message, Mayuzumi unlocked his phone and it led him to his chat with you. The boy typed in his reply and hesitantly sent it.

Mayuzumi Chihiro: It's fine, really. I had a feeling you'd reject me from the start.

(Last Name/First Name): I'm so sorry, Chi :(

(Last Name/First Name): To tell you the truth...

Mayuzumi Chihiro: I know, you love someone else. I'm seriously fine, you don't need to worry so much.

(Last Name/First Name): How'd you know?

Mayuzumi Chihiro: You'd never look at me the same way you look at him. You'd never act the same way you act with him. It was quite obvious...

(Last Name/First Name): I know how you are with these kind of stuff! I'm really sorry! Please don't be so upset! I really love you!

(Last Name/First Name): Just not the same way I love him... I'm sorry for hurting you like this...

Mayuzumi is typing...

The boy was about to send his next message, but ended up erasing it and typed in another one. He didn't want you to keep apologizing. After all, it wasn't your fault he fell for you.

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