[33]. Cheetahs (Hayama x Reader)

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~Cheetahs - Hayama Kotaro~

You were the manager of Rakuzan's basketball team. You applied as manager because you loved the sport basketball.

Your best friend Hayama was one of the regulars and he was the reason why you started loving basketball.

You two met because your parents were workmates and soon after, you two became very close friends. People even thought that the two of you were dating and of course, you denied it, but Hayama didn't. You always wondered why.

You actually had feelings for him, but you didn't want to confess, in case it breaks the bond you had with Hayama.

Since you were close friends with him, you knew everything about Hayama and the same with him. Secrets, family, life, problems and fears.

"Here's the training regimen for today, coach," you said, handing him the paper.

"Thank you, (Last Name)-san," Shirogane replied, taking the paper.

After training...

You couldn't help but stare at your childhood friend while he did his dribbling skills.

"Wow, he really is amazing. So fast like... A cheetah," you stated, putting you palms to your cheek as you leaned forward.

You looked away because you saw the gym door open and then turned back to Hayama, but he wasn't there anymore.

"Who's amazing?" A boy questioned.

"Aaiiee!!" You screamed, nearly falling flat on your face.

But the boy caught you between the arms and lifted you up. It was Hayama and you were blushing a bit.

"N-No-one," you answered.

"Tell me!" He pleaded in a whiny tone.

"Fine," you sighed. "I was just saying how amazing your dribbling skills are," you commented.

"Aw, that's nice, (First Name)-chan!" Hayama replied and hugged you from behind, making you blush more.

"Wh-What are you doing not training, anyway?" You questioned as Hayama kept hugging you.

"Hm? Training's finished," he said, pulling away.

"Oh, I didn't realize," you replied.

"Because you were eyeing a certain player... Me," Hayama winked at you.

"Shut up, Taro-kun," you said.

"Let's go on a date~," Hayama said.

"Wh-What?" You questioned.

"You heard me. Let's go on a date," Hayama repeated with a wide smile.

This was a big shock to you. Hayama never asked you to go on a date and the closest thing to you that felt like it was a date was walking you home.

"S-Sure," you stuttered to answer.

"Why don't we go to the zoo? You like animals, don't you?"

"Um, yeah."

"Great," he grinned. "I'll come by your house on the 14th at 11, then," Hayama stated.

"Yeah, sure, I'll ask my parents," you said.

Hayama gave you one last smile and walked off with the other three regulars.

"I wonder where Akashi is," you wondered when you only saw for regulars together.

"Behind you," someone stated.

You jumped a mile and screamed, experiencing a mini heart-attack in the process. You turned and saw the red headed captain.

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