[7]. We Meet Again (Part 1) (Himuro x Reader)

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~We Meet Again (Part 1) - Himuro Tatsuya~

"Mom, dad, hurry up!" You called to your parents as you jumped out the car.

"Alright, (First Name), be patient," your mom chuckled.

"Mom, dad, is this really our last day?" You asked her, tilting your head to the side.

"Yeah. We need to go back. Your dad and I just came here for work. We aren't going to live here forever. Maybe, when you're older, you can have a vacation here," you mom smiled as she answered.

"Ok~!" You replied.

"So, what shall we do first?" You dad asked you.

"Let's eat~!" You answered as your parents smile and your mom holds your left and as your dad holds your right.

"What would you want to eat?" Your mother asked you.

"Ramen~! And then cotton candy!" You answered.

"Sure and after that, we'll go to a roller coaster ride," your dad smiled.


A few hours later...

"Mom? Dad? Where are you?" You called because you were lost.

You ran around the carnival, but couldn't find your parents and you started to get tired.

You stopped near a little house and sat in front of a door, making a thudding sound as you slouched down.

Suddenly, the door opened and you fell back.

"Wahh!!" You screamed and your head thudded on the wooden floor. "Oww!" You wailed as you rubbed the back of your head.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" A boy with black hair and bangs covering his left eye.

"No! You meanie!" You yelled at boy.

"I'm sorry," he repeated and helped you up.

"Who are you, anyway?" You asked rudely as the boy walked further in the little house.

"My name's Himuro Tatsuya," he smiled at you.

"Oh, I just realized you were Japanese," you said.

"Yep, and you are...?"

"(Last Name) (First Name)," you answered.

"Are you having fun at the carnival?" Himuro asked you.

"Yep~, until I got lost," you answered, frowning at the last bit.

"You're beautiful," Himuro said out of nowhere.


"I'm sorry. That was a surprise to you, wasn't it? I couldn't help it, you're beautiful," Himuro complimented.

"Uh, th-thanks," you stuttered, blushing.

"You're cute when you blush."

And that compliment made you blush harder.

"Wh-Why are you complimenting me!? I don't even know you!" You stated, blushing.

"I couldn't help it, you're beautiful," Himuro repeated. "And cute," he added.

"J-Just shut up!" You blushed even harder and he just chuckled.

"Do you want me to help you find you parents?" Himuro asked.

"Really? Thanks!" and with that, he grabbed your hand and pulled you out the little house.

A few minutes later...

"Are you hungry? I have money," Himuro asked you.

"Sure thing, Himuro-kun."

"Just call me 'Tatsuya', (First Name)," Himuro smiled.

"Let's get the cotton candy!" You cried.

"Oh, but I only have enough for one," Himuro replied.

"It's alright, we'll share, if it's okay with, Tatsuya-kun," you suggested.


Himuro gave the money to the woman running the stall and she gave him the cotton candy.

"Aw, you two are so cute~," the stall keeper commented as she saw you and Himuro holding hands. "Are you dating?" She asked.

"What, no! We just met and he's helping me find my parents!" You answered.

"She's right. Anyway, we're too young to be dating. I'm only 11," Himuro said.

"And I'm 10!" You added.

"Alright, then," the woman smiled.

"Here you go, (First Name)," Himuro said.

"Thank you~."

30 minutes later...

"Hey, there's my mom and dad!" You said to the black haired boy.

"Will you be fine to walk there? You'll never know if there are any strangers lurking by," Himuro asked, worried.

"I'll be fine. No need to worry so much with someone you just met," you smiled.

Himuro let go of your hand and you were about to run off, until he grabbed your hand again.

"Wait, (First Name)," he said and you turned to face him.

"Take this. We might never see each other again, so here," he said as Himuro pulled a something out of his pocket.

It was a keychain with two people on it and coincidentally, it had a boy with black hair like Himuro's and a girl with (Hair Color) like yours.

It was like fate led you to each other.

"Really? Thanks, Tatsuya!" You said and took the keychain. "I have something to tell you!"

"What is it?" Himuro asked.

"I like you, despite us barely meeting each other," you smiled.

"I like you, too, (First Name)," Himuro replied and then received a kiss on the cheek from you.

"Come to Japan, okay? I'll be waiting for you, Tatsuya-kun," you said and then ran off.

January 2nd, 2015 - Friday

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