[44]. Friend-Zoned (Part 2) (Reader's Best Friend x Kiyoshi x Reader)

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~Friend-Zoned (Part 2) - Kiyoshi Teppei with Reader's Best Friend~

The next day, your best friend started to hang around Kiyoshi more often. You felt a pang of jealousy strike you.

You know you love Kiyoshi, but you tried not to accept the fact that you do. You now know that Kiyoshi has feelings for you and that your best fried loved him.

You didn't want to accept Kiyoshi's feelings, knowing that your best friend loved him, too.

You always put your best friend's happiness before yours. Although in this case, you didn't know want to do anymore.

Your best friend and Kiyoshi hanging out hurt you like hell. It torn your heart apart, you loved Kiyoshi more than a friend and a brother ever since that 'date', but you don't want to accept it.


You heard your best friend call to him and you turned to see her run towards him at the front gates of the school.

You saw that Kiyoshi had a smile on his face as he said something. You couldn't hear, since you were far away from them.

"(First Name)!" Your best friend called to you.

You quickly put a smile on your face, "yeah?"

"I won't be able to come to your house after school," your best friend said.

"What? Why?" You asked. "We always have a movie night every Friday, (Best Friend's Name)."

"But Kiyoshi-kun asked me to help him with the homework," she said. "I know I'm being a bad frined and all, but we always spend time together and this is the first time I'm spending time with Kiyoshi alone."

"... Sure," you hesitated to answer.

"I'm really sorry! I hope you under-!"

"I understand," you interrupted. "Just go and help him," you said with a fake smile.

"Yay~! Thank you so much, (First Name)! You're such a great friend!" with that, she ran off to where Kiyoshi was.

You watched them walk off happily towards the library, feeling your heart break bit by bit as tears threatened to fall.

You kept telling yourself that you don't love Kiyoshi and that you only thought of him as a brother, but the feeling in your heart said different.

"Are you sure it's okay for you and (First Name) to cancel your night?" Kiyoshi questioned.

"She said that it was okay," your best friend said.

"Are you sure? Because I don't want her to get upset," Kiyoshi said. "I just wanted to talk to you about the homework, since you're in my class, but if you had plans with (First Name), then I could've just asked someone else."

Upon hearing that, your best friend felt her heart shatter. Kiyoshi still loves you, even though you rejected him indirectly.

"Kiyoshi-kun," your best friend called.

"Yeah?" He answered.

"Do you... Do you still love (First Name)?" Your bestfriend questioned.

"Well, even though she rejected me indirectly..."

"So he noticed."

"... I'll always love her. No-one can replace my love for (First Name)."

"I-I see...," your best frined said sadly.

"... Name)... (First Name)... (First Name)!" Riko called.

"H-Huh?" You snapped out of yor thoughts. "Wh-What is it?"

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