[54]. Only Way (Liu x Reader)

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~Only Way - Liu Wei~

You were at a new elementary school and you didn't really have any friends, since you weren't really that social and you were too shy to even approach any of the kids at school.

But there was this one kid. You didn't really know if the boy liked you or not, but whenever you looked upset, he would always approach you and ask how you were everyday.

"Hey, leave her alone!" You hear a boy shout from behind you.

You turned around and see a light brown haired boy, running towards you and the group of kids ran off, since they knew that a bunch of second graders couldn't do anything against a fourth grader.

"Are you okay?" The light brown haired boy asked, putting a hand to your shoulder and you just nodded, wiping the tears that had fallen. "Oh, you're that new student. Um... (Last Name/First Name), was it?" He recalled.

"Mm-hm," you nodded again.

"My name's Liu Wei and I'm in fourth grade in case you're wondering," he introduced himself.

"I'm-I'm in second," you said quietly, still wiping your tears.

"Hey, why were those kids bullying you?"

"Th-They were just teasing me about how lonely I was and that I'll-I'll never get a friend," you explained, looking down at the ground.

"Well, don't worry about them. I'll be your friend," the boy said. "Anyway, you're just new here, so it's okay."

That was you first encounter with the light brown haired boy. After that Liu always approached you and ask how you were at least once everyday. He would always started small conversations, mostly about yourself.

"Okay, my turn... Favorite color?" Liu questioned.

"(Favorite Color)," you answered. "My turn now... Um, favorite food?"

"Tonkotsu ramen," the  brown haired boy answered. "Hm... Favorite flower?"

"Favorite flower, huh? Um, I guess it would be... (Favorite Flower)," you answered. "Okay, um, hobby?"

"Swimming," Liu answered.

When Liu was about to ask another question, the both of you heard his friend call for him.

"I gotta go. It was nice talking to you," he said. "Talk tomorrow, bye."

"Okay, sure. Bye," you smiled and the boy smiled back.

Couple of years went past and you and Liu grew closer, to the point where the both of you became best friends. The both of you also started hanging out after school and then, Liu confessed one day and you and him started dating.

It was the end of the school year and Liu was graduating since it was his last year of elementary.

He also said that he won't be going to the same middle school as you and then he was going to move to Japan when he was in his second year of high school.

You asked Liu if the both of you were going to break up, but he just said that maybe you and him should try having a long distant relationship.

You knew that most long distant relationships don't last song, but it was worth a try. You loved Liu a lot and you didn't really want to end your relationship with him, especially since the both of you have been dating for six months.

More years had past and you were going to start your first year of high school. Your parents also told you that all of you were going to move to Japan, but she didn't tell you where in Japan.

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