[68]. Best Friend (Aomine x Reader)

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~Best Friend - Aomine Daiki~

Let's forget about Momoi to make this one-shot work, ahaha.

And play the video while reading this :)

Aomine was sitting on the swings of the playground you and him used to always play in. He was thinking about what would happen to you two now, since you and him have already graduated from high school.

The blue head felt hands on his back a few moments later, but was pushed off the swing before he could react, face-planting into the sand.

He groaned, already knowing who it was as he got up to his knees and turned around, glaring at his childhood friend. She's been doing the same thing to him ever since they were kids.

You laughed at the guy and held out a hand to him. He wiped the sand from his face and spat out some that went in his mouth. Aomine looked up at you, glaring.

You and Aomine were squatting on the sand, sitting really close to each other with your pinky fingers out. The both of you promised to be there for each other for the years to come no matter what happens.

You took off one of the two silver bracelets you had around your wrist and gave it to the young blue head. You told him to have it, so the both of you would have matching bracelets.

After that, the two of you played pretend on the playground. He was sitting on the sand and you were squatting. You had a spoonful of sand, telling Aomine to eat it.

He told you he wasn't ever eating sand, but you stood up and told me to eat the so-called soup you made for him with an ominous aura surrounding. The boy could only sweat drop at you.

Aomine was an idiot, so he hesitantly did as he was told, then spat out the sand once it made contact with his tongue. You laughed, holding a hand out to him.

He stared at you for a while, thinking about you from the past, how you were still the same and all, but you've grown up to be a beautiful young woman.

Aomine took your hand and a smirk was seen across his face. You cocked a brow, asking him what he was thinking. The smirk didn't leave his face.

He suddenly pulled you into a headlock and started messing up your (Hair Color) hair. You yelled at Aomine, telling him that you just brushed your hair and threw your arms up.

The both of you played around for a bit and soon, the sun started to disappear from the horizon. You and Aomine watched it for a bit, before he walked you back home, even though you told him you were okay alone.

The next day during class, you were taking down notes and, like always, Aomine rested his face on his palm, daydreaming about stuff again as he stared you.

You glanced at Aomine and noticed that he was daydreaming again. You sighed and pinched his cheek, telling him to pay attention. The both of you ended up fighting and got detention.

After school, your teacher made you and your childhood friend stand against the wall, with your arms out to your sides, holding three books on each which were about 2 centimeters thick.

You were getting tired and Aomine saw that your arms were shaking. He stopped holding his books and got yours, putting it on top of his, and started holding the books again.

You looked at him, a bit surprised, but he gave you a small smile and thanked him. You cracked your knuckles and after doing that, you smirked at the guy and started tickling him, making him drop the books.

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