[52]. CC (Midorima x Reader)

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~CC - Midorima Shintaro~

You woke up by the sound of your alarm and slammed your palm on it to turn it off. Groaning, you got out of bed and made your to the bathroom.

Your eyes were half-closed as you walked towards the sink. You turned the tap on and washed your face.

When your eyes weren't half-closed anymore, you saw a horrible sight in front of the mirror, "WHAT THE F*CK IS THIS?!"

At school...

"Kazunari!" You called as you burst in his classroom, making his classmates turn to you.

"Oh, hello, (First Name)~," Takao greeted you, only to be greeted back with a smack on the back. "Ow, that hurt... Not really~."

"I know you did this!"

"Eh? Did what?" He titled his head.

You grabbed the raven haired male's wrist and led him out the classroom and to the hallway.

"This!" You took off your hood that was over your head and a few seconds later, Takao burst out laughing as he fell to the ground, clenching his stomach as tears formed in his eyes.


"What'd you do yesterday?!" You yelled at him.

"I just replaced your (shampoo/conditioner), LOL," the male answered, quickly calming down as he stood up, wiping the tears from his eyes. "You and Shin-chan are CC now," Takao snickered.

"CC?" You raised a brow.

"Never mind. But anyway, it wasn't my idea to replace your (shampoo/conditioner)," the raven haired male shrugged.

"Then who did it?" You questioned.

As if on queue, a certain green haired male walked past, reading a book as he was holding his lucky item.

"Ah, Shin-chan~!" Takao called.

"What do you want?" He asked, looking up from his book.

"Mind telling (First Name) whose idea it was to replace her (shampoo/conditioner)?"

"It was-."

Before the green haired shooter could finish his sentence, the raven haired male ran off.

"-yours... What is going on, (First Name), and why is your hair like that?" Midorima cocked a brow.

"That idiot Kazunari replaced my (shampoo/conditioner) with orange dye," you grumbled.

"You have a soccer game after school, don't you?" Your boyfriend looked at you.

"Yeah," you huffed.

"You'll look like an upside down carrot, since your soccer uniform's green," Midorima said quietly.

"Hey, I heard that! Says the one who looks like an actual carrot!" You yelled at him, smacking his back.

Time skip...

During the day, you had to suffer the stares of people as you went to each of your classes. You didn't really like attention and you were a bit self-conscious of how you looked, but this made you even more self-conscious.

You also tried keeping your hood over your head, but the teachers kept telling you to take it off since you were inside and said that it didn't matter how you look, since you looked fine with orange hair. But of course, you didn't think so.

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