[1]. Confession (Kuroko x Reader)

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~Confession - Kuroko Tetsuya~

You watched the team practicing as you sat on the bench, eyeing a certain male on the court.

"You're staring again," the pink haired girl stated, grinning.

"Yeah, I'm staring at the players practicing," you said, trying to be a smartass.

"But you're staring at a certain boy," Momoi stated.

"How can you be so sure?" You asked, turning to face her.

"It's obvious that you like him!" Momoi squealed out.

"It-It is?" You asked.

"Of course. It's Dai-chan!" Momoi said.

"What?! How could you think that I'd like him of all people?!" You asked, shocked that Momoi would think you'd like her perverted childhood friend.

"For a second I thought she actually knew. I want to tell her because she's my best friend, but I can't because she'll be upset," you stated, being pessimistic.

"Ah, then, who is it?" Momoi asked.

"Don't worry, you don't need to know," you said.

"Oh, please!"

"No, Satsuki."

"I won't tell!"


"My mouth will be sealed!"


"I won't even tell him who it is."

"Still no."

"(Nickname)-chan!" Momoi whined.

"I'm not telling, okay?" You said.

"But you know who I love!" Momoi stated.

"Because it's obvious," you rolled your eyes.

"Eh, really? Who is it, then?" Your pink haired best friend questioned you.

"It's Kuroko-kun," you said, sounding a bit sad.

"See, it's not fair! Just tell me who it is!" Momoi begged.

"I have a crush with the same person as you," you finally answered and stood up and quickly walked out the gym.

"(Nickname)-chan, likes Tetsu-kun, too, I see," Momoi stated with a sad smile.

After practice...

"(Last Name)-chan," a certain light blue haired boy called.

"Yeah?" You answered, turning to face the phantom after you put the basketball equipment.

"Have you seen Momoi-san?" Kuroko asked.

"Uh, I-I haven't seen her since I walked out of the gym practice," you answered sadly for some reason.

"You sound sad," Kuroko stated. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," you answered, smiling, but your eyes said different.

"Are you sure?" The male asked once again.

"Yeah, don't worry. I'm fine, really," you repeated.

"If you say so, but if there's anything bothering you, I'm always here to help; I'm always here for you," Kuroko said, giving a small smile as he walked out the gym.

"That smile...," you said, watching the phantom walk out the gym.

The next day...

"(Last Name)cchi!" The yellow haired boy called, running over to you.

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