[23]. Try Seducing (Midorima x Reader)

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~Try Seducing- Midorima Shintaro~

"Huh? You can't say it when you want to do it, so you want me to teach you a gesture, huh?" Aomine asked the green haired megane. "You're a guy, aren't you? Just tell 'em and push 'em down."

"What!? I can't do that! That's the reason why I swallowed my pride and consulted you!" Midorima replied.

"It's no good, Aominecchi. Midorimacchi wants to be pushed down by the person he's dating rather than be the one to push down," Kise explained.

"What are you saying, Kise?" Aomine asked, cocking a brow, obviously not understanding. "Anyway, Midorima, what kind of girl are you going out with?" Aomine asked him.

"Aominecchi, you don't know?" Kise asked with a shocked face.

"N-No need to say unnecessary things, Kise!" Midorima yelled at him, waving his hands.

"If Aomine knew I was dating his cousin...," Midorima said mentally.

"I don't really get it, but lemme see... Well, since you're already wearing glasses, why don't you try licking the tips?" Aomine advised.

"L-Lick the tips?" Midorima asked. "I don't understand what you mean."

"Hey, Kise, show us a little example," Aomine ordered.

"Ehh? I'll do it?" Kise asked. "O-Okay," he said and took Midorima's glasses.

"S-So, something like this?" Kise asked.

The yellow haired model unbuttoned a couple of the top buttons of his uniform and put the tip of Midorima's glasses in his mouth with his tongue half out. Then, with Kise's other hand, he held his tie and made a seductive face.

"Your good, Kise! It's disgusting, too!" Aomine commented.

"You're so mean, Aominecchi!" Kise cried.

"And give me back my glasses. I never gave you permission to use it," Midorima said, taking his glasses back and wiped the tips.

"As expected of a model, Kise-kun, you're disgusting," Kuroko said, appearing out of nowhere.

"Wah, you were there, Kurokocchi?! Anyway, you're mean!"

"You don't need to take Aomine-kun's advice too seriously. I personally want to see Midorima-kun licking his glasses, but even if you do that, as long as you do it with upturned eyes and even call out their name, they'll be K.O'd in the first round," Kuroko explained.

"Um, with upturned eyes and call out their name?" Midorima asked.

"Yes. Why don't we practice it a bit?" Kuroko questioned.

"Upturned eyes...," Midorima said and looked at Kuroko with a scary face.

"That's a little scary. Relax and do it naturally," Kuroko said.

"Like this?" Midorima asked and gave Kuroko a cute face, while holding one side of his glasses.

Kuroko tried hard to hold in his laughter, so instead, he rolled on the floor with his hands covering his face.

"Wh-What's wrong, Kuroko!?" Midorima asked. "Was I really that bad!?"

"That's enough, Midorima-kun. I no longer have anything else to teach you," Kuroko said, putting a hand to his face after he got up. "All you have to do is go home and practice it."

"Fight, Midorimacchi!" Kise said, putting his hands on Midorima's shoulders.

"But lick the glasses, too," Aomine said as he leaned his cheek on his palm.

"I can't believe I'm taking the idiot's advice," Midorima said mentally and took of his glasses and started biting on it, instead of licking it.

"Taro-kun, why're you eating your glasses?" You asked, a bit weirded out.

"I'm not eating them! It's because... Aomine told me to do it!" Midorima explained.

"I don't know what he's been told, but he probably go it wrong," you sweat dropped mentally as Midorima put his glasses back on.

"Wai-Wait a minute, Taro-kun...," you said.

"Um, think (First Name), what is Taro-kun thinking?" You asked. "Perhaps something like this?" You asked yourself.

You started to picture a book in your head with a title that said, 'Female Teacher's Seduction'.

"Eh, Taro-kun, what? Could it be that you intend to seduce me?" You asked Midorima, but you didn't voice it out.

You saw that Midorima sat down next to you and looked at you.


"Relax and do it naturally... Naturally...," Midorima repeated mentally, taking Kuroko's advice.

"Uh, (Fir-First Name)...," Midorima called as he did it with upturned eyes, while holding the side of his glasses.

"Uwah, Taro-kun! You're so cute!" You squealed and hugged him, accidentally pushing him down on the bed.

"Eh, uh, (First Name)," Midorima said, his face full-on blushing.

"Taro-kun, sorry, I'm at my limit," you said and kissed him passionately. "You have to go all the way today, so-."

"(First Name)-."

"Because you seduced me, I won't allow you to say no," you said.

"(First Name), me too," Midorima said and intertwined his and your fingers together. "That was what I intended from the beginning."

You two had a long pleasurable night doing five rounds without taking a break.

The next day, Aomine, Midorima, Kise and Kuroko met up at the same place and Midorima told them how it went.

"... And so, it went quite well," Midorima finished.

"Yeah, good for you," Aomine said, patting Midorima's back.

"That's good, then," Kise smiled.

"I'm happy for you, too," Kuroko said and then sipped his vanilla milkshake.

Requested by Kawaguchi_Shana. Hope you liked it~.

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Kuroko x Reader

Updated: January 14th, 2015 - Wednesday

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