[4]. Don't Joke Around! (Takao x Reader)

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~Don't Joke Around! - Takao Kazunari~

Ever since your parents started fighting, you started to change bit by bit. Of course, no-one noticed, since it was bit by bit. From the happy, energetic girl to the serious, sort of depressed girl you are now.

It had been about maybe a month and a half since your parents started fighting and you really couldn't concentrate on anything anymore. Everyday, questions always filled your head...

"Why are they fighting?"

"Will they get divorced?"

"Who am I going to stay with?"

"Who is my brother going to stay with?"

"Will I have to move to another district?"

"Why are they fighting?"

You wanted to tell someone. You wanted someone to talk to, but you didn't want them to get involved.

Did I mention that you were sort of a loner in life? You had no other friends, except the two basketball players of the basketball team. The Point Guard, Takao Kazunari and the Shooting Guard, Midorima Shintaro.

You had a crush on one of them, but you didn't bring yourself to admit it.

After the two's basketball practice, Takao insisted to take you home, along with his friend, Midorima who didn't even want to tag along.

"Bye, Shin-chan~!" Takao said, waving and of course, the green tsundere didn't wave or say anything back.

You started to walk off, until Takao grabbed your hand and pulled you into him, making you blush.

"T-Takao...," you started.

"Look, (First Name), I love you," he said out of nowhere and then let you go.


"I know that the feelings wouldn't be mutual," he said sadly.

Takao was the one that you had a crush on and right now, when he just confessed, you were totally shocked by it.

"I'll-I'll think about it," you said and walked off to the direction of your house.

You came in the house, only to hear your parents fighting and you sighed as you walked up to your room.

You didn't bother changing because you were really tired and tried to go to sleep, but you heard your parents fighting.

"Why...?" You asked as you put in your earphones and put on music to try and get you to fall asleep.

The next day...

"(First Name)-chan!" Takao called out to you.

You turned, "what?"

"Your answer?" He asked.

You completely forgot that he confessed to you yesterday. You didn't know what to say.

"I don't have an answer yet," you said.

"Oh, that's a shame," he pouted. "Come and give me an answer before basketball practice. I'll be in the gym, but if you don't give me and answer, I'll kill you in your sleep," he threatened. "And maybe even your parents."

Your eyes widened at his sudden threat and he just laughed and hugged you, "haha, I'm kidding, (First Name)-chan! I wouldn't do that!"

"Don't joke around, Bakao!" You yelled at him suddenly as you pushed him away.

"Hey, (First name)-chan, it was just a joke," he reasoned with you.

"Well, don't joke with things like that! My parents are fighting and I don't need you to make it worse by saying something like that!" You screamed at him, making the students in the hallway turn to you two.

"I was just joking. I wouldn't do that," Takao repeated. "And what, your parents are fighting?"

"Why do you care!? You just wanna kill them!" You continued to scream at him as tears streamed your face.

"(F-First Name)-chan!" Takao called out to you as you ran off.

You heard the bell went, signaling that it was time for 6th period. You were never late, but this time, you didn't care.

"How could Takao joke about something like that?" You asked yourself. "He doesn't know what I've been through," you said as you started to cry. "He knows that I take things seriously."

A few minutes later, you heard a familiar voice call out to you, "(First Name)-chan?"

"Damn that Bakao! I don't wanna speak to him!" You said mentally as you ran off to the back exit of the gym.

Takao saw you run off and ran after you as he called out to you, but you just ignored.

You finally stopped, seeing that it was pointless to even try and outrun the basketball team's Point Guard.

"(First Name)-chan, I'm sorry," Takao said, pulling you into a hug and you tried to escape, but to no avail.

"Let go of me, Bakao!" You screamed at him, pounding into his chest.

"(First Name)-chan, I'm sorry," he repeated. "I didn't know that your parents were fighting. You should've told me."

"Just let go of me!" You screamed as you continued to pound at his chest.

You continued to scream and scream, until you felt something crashed into your lips. Your eyes widened.

You quickly pulled away and this time, Takao let go of you. You just stared at him and so did he.

You realized a while later that you felt something wet on your face. You touched your cheek and you were crying.

The black haired Point Guard immediately pulled you into a hug and repeatedly said, "I'm sorry."

Suddenly, you burst into tears. You tried to calm down, but it was hard for you.

"(First Name)-chan-."

"No, shut up, Takao! You think it was okay for you to joke like that?! My parents are fighting and now you joke about like that?!" You screamed at him.

He stayed quiet.

"You don't know how it feels like being caught in the middle of all this! My parents don't even know how their own children would react. They don't think about how it could affect their future!" You continued to scream at him.

"I didn't know that was how you felt! You never told me or Shin-chan anything, despite us being friends! You should've told us something!" Takao yelled at you. "We could've helped you!"

You looked at him, just shocked that he yelled at you. He realized that and felt guilty.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you," Takao explained, looking away.

"It's okay. I deserved it," you said. "I'm sorry that I yelled at you. My parents fighting is just really getting to me. I just don't know what to do anymore," you explained and tears escaped you for the last time.

"I'm always here for you when need something, (First Name)-chan," Takao said. "I love you."

Those three words... They were the words you needed to hear.

"I love you, too, Takao," you replied and you smiled for the first time in ages. Although, it was only a smile small.

"So, about that question...," he started.

"Yes," you answered, knowing what he was going to say.

"Yay! I love you so much, (First Name)-chan~!" He cheered and pulled you into a hug and you hugged him back.

"I... I love you, too... Kazunari."

January 1st, 2015 - Thursday

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