[11]. You Sicko (Imayoshi x Reader)

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~You Sicko - Imayoshi Shoichi~

"Shoichi!" You whined as you rolled on the megane's bed in boredom after spending an hour staring out at the wintery sky from the window. "You have been studying since the past few hours! Why don't you take a break?! Why are you even studying during the holidays?!"

"(First Name)-chan, instead of whinin', why don't ya join me?"

"Imayoshi Shoichi, you're asking a second year to study with you, and you're studying for your entrance exams?"


"Why can't you be a second year like me?"

"Nah, I'd rather you're a third year like me. That way, we'll be sufferin' together, won't that be great?"

"No way."

"(First Name)-chan, you're mean. What happened to the 'I promise to go through all the pain together with you, Imayoshi-san'?" Imayoshi faked a hurt expression as he reminded you of the words you told him before.

"I hate you, Shoichi."

"I love you, too. C'mere," he stretched his long legs out underneath the table while patting the space between them.

With a pout, you left the bed and trotted over to your boyfriend before sitting in the spot.

Imayoshi's arms were around your side as he turned his attention back to the English reference book.

You observed the sentences consisting of foreign letters, occasionally feeling the cold material of Imayoshi's glasses brushing against your cheek whenever the dark haired male rested his chin on her shoulder.

As silence and only the sound of writing filled the room, Imayoshi decided to throw his feet over yours.

"Uwah, Shoichi! Your feet are so cold!" You exclaimed and jumped up in surprise, your knees hitting the desk in the process.

Grinning, he replied with a voice full of sarcasm, "Is it?"

"Holy sh*t...," you scrambled up to get away from the freezing hell.

But Imayoshi's arms were faster as they immediately locked around your waist, restricting your movements.

His actions only made you grumble, "I really hate you."

Imayoshi could only chuckled, watching you confess your undying love in your own way.

Resting his chin on your soft (Hair Color) hair,he spoke and while he did, he was softly rocking from side to side, "Frankly speakin', if we're in the same year and same class, we'll always be together and I don't have to worry about other guys spendin' more time with ya than me."

"You know, I don't go to those 'other guys' home, but yeah, I think I'd like it, too if we're in the same year and class. And, Shoichi-kun....?"


"I'll miss you, you sicko..."

"Ya sure know how to show yer love, huh? Yet, I still love ya. Seriously, the things you make me go through," he faked an exaggerated sigh, causing you to roll your eyes.

Lacing his slender fingers with your smaller ones, Imayoshi continued, "If ya miss me too much, ya could always come live with me. That way... We'll always be together."

"Sounds nice, but you know my parents."

"Yeah, I know. Don't worry, if I have the time, I'll return and check up on ya, and the team."

"Wow, Shoichi, you really do care about them, don't you?"

"I just wanna make sure no-one dares to take the opportunity to take advantage of you."

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