[6]. Fears (Kise x Reader)

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~Fears - Kise Ryota~

EDIT: Please stop commenting/spamming that this is like Ouran High School Host Club. I've already said in the A/N at the end that this one-shot is based on it.

You and Kise had been going out for for five years now, since the second year of middle school.

Both you and him had graduated and go to the same college. Him studying as a pilot, but also has his job as a model and you studying as a/an (Whatever You Want To Be When You Finish Studying).

"(First Name)cchi!" Kise called, snapping you out from whatever you were daydreaming.

"What?" You turned to him.

"It's your turn," Kise stated.


"You forgot again! We're playing 20 questions!" Kise reminded.

"I don't have a question," you replied.

"Then hurry up and think of one! We're only up to the third question within...," the yellow haired model looked at his watch, "... 20 minutes!"

"I've got one," you said and Kise paid his attention to you. "Why are you so annoying?"

"You're so mean, (First Name)cchi!" Kise whined.

"You wanted a question. I gave you one, so answer it," you said.

"I don't why I'm annoying! That's so mean, (First Name)cchi!" Kise cried and hugged you.

"Can you stop hugging?" You glared at him, but your face was tinted with a light shade of red.

"But you like it!" Kise said, continuing to hug.

"Die, Kise," you said and glared ice cold daggers at him.

"Why are you so cold-hearted?"

"Why are you so annoying?"

"You have to answer mine!" Kise whined.


"See, so mean!" He pointed out. "Fine, I'll say another question, what are your fears?" Kise asked, smirking.

You see, he asked this question numerous times because you never told him your fears.

You knew his and had been scaring the crap out of him every single damn day of his life.

"I don't have any," you answered.

"That's a lie!" Kise said.

"I answered it and now it's my turn," you said to him. "Why are you so scared of earthworms?" You asked.

Then, you pulled out a toy worm and threw it at his face, making him squeal loudly.

"(First Name)cchi!" Kise whined, popping his head behind the bench you two were sitting on.

"Answer the question, Ryota," you said.

"Because they're disgusting!" Kise answered, literally shaking.

You sighed and you said you'll make it up to him because you scared him.

The both of you arrived at Maji Burger and saw the light blue haired boy and the dark red haired boy.

"Kurokocchi, Kagamicchi, it's been a while!" Kise called out, waving to them. "C'mon, (First Name)cchi!" and he pulled you to their table.

"I said not to call me that!" Kagami exclaimed.

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