[14]. Loview (Izuki x Reader)

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~Loview - Izuki Shun~

"I see, so we meat again, (First Name)," Izuki greeted you when he saw that you had some meat on your tray as he approached you and sat next to you in the cafeteria.

"Don't start with the puns," you said.

"Can you help me with something?" Izuki asked you.

"Oh, gosh," you thought, hoping it wasn't his lame puns.

"W-With what, Shun?" You asked.

"I need you to see if my puns are punny," Izuki answered.

"No," you quickly answered.

"Please!" Izuki begged you.

"Shun, you have shunned everyone around you with your puns," you said.

"You made a pun, (First Name)!" Izuki exclaimed and quickly wrote down what you said.

"Now go away," you ordered.

"I didn't like that pun. That was mean. Gimme another one," Izuki said.

"Why did you write it down then!?" You asked angrily.

"I thought it was good, but not good enough," Izuki said.

"Go jump off a cliff, Shun," you said.

"Alright, I'll just give you some of mine while you think of some," Izuki said.

You groaned. You knew you didn't have a choice. Izuki would annoy you for the rest of your high school life.

"Okay, here's my first one: it's not that the man couldn't juggle, he just didn't have the balls to do it," Izuki read out.

You groaned and slammed your head on the table.

"Second one: the man dislocated his left arm, but he was all right."

You groaned and slammed your head once again.

Izuki picked up an apple on his tray and bit it, "ah, third one! You are the apple of my eye!"

The third one made you blush because you thought he was talking about you, but you shook it off.

"Izuki. Just. Stop," you said, slamming your head with every word.

"If I had a rose for every time I thought of you, I would be walking though my garden forever."

You blushed, but continued slamming your head.

"Can you please stop slamming your head? You're making my heart shake for you."

"Goddamn, Izuki, you're so annoying," you said and slammed your head on the table and left it there. (A/N: that'll be the last time I'll make you slam your head xD ).

You started to get hungry and took your banana from your tray.

You peeled it and Izuki asked, "are you a banana?"

"No. Why?" You glared at him as you asked and then took a bite of your banana.

"Because I find you a-peeling," he answered and smirked.

"I wonder if I told him how I felt, would he stop? Is he saying pick-up lines because he wants a girlfriend? I wonder...," you wondered as things started to pop in your head.

"Hey, (First Name), do you have a sharpener?" He asked you.

"Not right now, but what do you want it for?"

"Because my pencil's gone blunt and it's pointless to write with it," Izuki answered and you slammed your head again.

"Please just stop!" You begged.

"Hey, (First Name)," Izuki called as you looks up to him with a glare. "How many letters are there in the alphabet?" He asked.

"Seriously? You're a second year in high school and you don't know?" You asked.

"Just answer it," Izuki replied.

"There's 26," you answered.

"Oh, really? I must've forgotten U R A Q T," Izuki replied, making you blush. "Aha! You like my puns, don't you?"

"They aren't puns. They're pick-up lines," you stated.

"And they made you blush!"

"Was that your intention?" You asked.

"Maybe, maybe not," he smirked. "If you wanna listen to more, I've got tons."

"No, thanks," you replied.

"You're so beautiful, I forgot my pick-up line," Izuki said.

"I'll tell him how I feel. I'm so annoyed with his pick-up lines and puns," you said mentally.

"Hey, Shun," you called.

"What am I to you?" You questioned.

"Hm, let's see, from a scale to 1 to 10, I'd rate you a 9 because I'm the 1 you need," he answered.

"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" You asked him.

"What do you think?" He smiled at you.

"Nah~," was your answer because you wanted to see what he'll do.

"Do you have a coin?" Izuki asked you.

"Yeah, do you need it?" You asked.

Izuki nodded and you handed him the coin.

"I'll flip this coin. Heads, I'm yours and tails, you're mine," he smirked.

"Yeah, okay," you shrugged.

"Wait, doesn't that mean the same things, anyway?" You asked yourself. "Oh, well."

Izuki flipped the coin and the coin landed on tails.

"Well, looks like you're mine," he shot a smile at you.

"Yeah," you said and he walked over to you and you turned to him with a confused face.

"Hey, I'll give you a kiss. If you don't like it, you can just return it," Izuki said.

Without warning, Izuki kissed you and you 'didn't like it', so you returned it.

"Ah, you must've not liked it. Then maybe I should give you another one," he winked and moved in closer to you again.

"N-No!" You said, moving back. "Hey, Shun, I need to say something to you," you said.

"What is it, (First Name)?"

"There's a side view and there's a rear view. You know what else?" You asked.


"Loview," you smiled.

"Wow, that's the greatest pun you gave me all day!" He said and quickly wrote it down with his 'pointless' pencil. "Guess what?"


"Loview, too!" and Izuki hugged you.

Puns and pick-up lines aren't mine. Credits to their rightful owners.

January 7th, 2014 - Wednesday

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