[62]. I'm Sorry (Aomine x Reader)

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~I'm Sorry - Aomine Daiki~

You were walking along the footpath, walking back home and as you were walking back home, your phone vibrated in your pocket.

Taking it out, and looking at the screen, you see your auntie's name. Your auntie's raised you and your sister since both your parents died in a car accident, when you were 5 and your sister 7.

It was really hard for you to take in. Even as a child, you couldn't believe your parents could be taken away from you just like that.

A drunk driver stripped half your family in one quick blow. The driver and the two young children barely survived and severely injured, but your parents ended up being buried under all the debris of the crash.

You answered the call, "hey, (Auntie's Name)."

"(First Name)!"

Your heart suddenly sunk and dread fell over your chest. Your auntie's crying, crying hysterically.

"(A-Auntie's Name)...? What's wrong? Are you okay? What happened?" You questioned her.

She answered, despite choking on her words, "(S-Sister's Name)... (Sister's Name)... She-She's... I-I..."

"Please calm down, (Auntie's Name). What happened to (Sister's Name)?" Your palms began to sweat and your heart began to race as you asked that.

"Sh-She's gone, (First Name)! She's gone!" Your auntie cried on the other line and you heard a deep voice offer his reassurance to her.

Your eyes widened, you couldn't believe what your auntie just said. It had to be a mistake, this couldn't be happening. You sister was at home taking care of her daughter, she can't be gone.

"Hello, (Last Name)-san?" You hear the deep voice from the other line.

Tears started to blur your vision as you started to run towards your house, "Y-Yes...?"

"(Last Name)-san, this is Officer (Random Name). I'm very sorry to inform you... But your sister was in a car accident. She was rushed to hospital immediately, but there was nothing they could do. Your sister has passed away...," the officer explained.

The tears just began to flow freely from your eyes as you finally reached your house. You unlocked your car and slid into the driver's seat, wiping your tears in the process.

"My-My niece, she was home with her, was she in the car?" You questioned and pressed your fingers against your trembling lips, holding back the sobs you didn't want to let out.

"No, she wasn't. Your sister dropped your niece at your neighbor's house and your neighbor said that your sister went out to buy milk from the convenience store. The accident happened on her way back home."

You really couldn't believe it. Your sister was just here, you saw her just a few hours ago. She told you how proud she was of you, how jealous she was that you were still in school.

Your sister had gotten pregnant about a year ago. She had a boyfriend and they were in a relationship for two years. But once he found out his girlfriend was pregnant, he left a note the following day and disappeared.

You really hated him for doing that. Their relationship was going so smoothly, but he left your sister when he found out she was pregnant, just because he wasn't ready to be father.

Your sister was really heart-broken by this. She dropped out of college and started working full-time to save for the baby.

You felt sympathy for your sister when you saw that her life was going in a completely different direction than what she wanted.

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