[81]. Pros and Cons of Your Best Friend (Hyuga x Reader)

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~Pros and Cons of Your Best Friend - Hyuga Junpei~

Pro: You have siblings.

You let out another loud sneeze and sniffed, wiping your nose after. Gah, you hated colds. Your nose was all stuffy and you couldn't concentrate on anything properly because of it.

Hearing your door creak open, you looked up to see Hyuga holding (Favorite Food) and a bottle of water. Your eyes instantly lit up at the sight of food and suddenly sneezed again. You groaned as you wiped your nose.

"You didn't come to school because of those two people who keeps bullying you?" Hyuga questioned as he walked over to sit on the edge of your bed.

"Oh, yeah. It is because of those two I wasn't at school today. I stayed at home all day because I am totally not sick," you replied with a voice full of sarcasm, rolling your eyes.

"I was just joking, but if they bully you again, you know I'm here for you. I'll take care of them," Hyuga told you, handing you (Favorite Food). "And get better, (First Name). It-It's not that same without you at school."

"Thanks, Hyuga," you smiled at him as you took (Favorite Food) from his hands, suddenly sneezing again after.

Whether you have an actual sibling or not, Hyuga is pretty much your family. He'll care for you, protect you and always be there for you when needed.

Con: You have siblings.

You and Hyuga were about to binge watch movies in his living room. You were in the kitchen getting some food ready and Hyuga was picking a movie to watch.

Once you came back, with a plate of (Favorite Snacks) and a bottle of (Favorite Drink) with two glasses, Hyuga asked you about the movie.

"Is (Least Favorite Movie) okay with you?"

"What? No. I dislike that movie," you told him and put the food and drinks down on the coffee table.

You walked over to where Hyuga was and asked to give you the remote. He did so and you started looking through the movie folders.

"What about (Favorite Movie)?" You looked up at the male and shook his head. "Ehh? It's a great movie!"

"No, it sucks. I've watched it and it's the worst movie made. The plot isn't good," Hyuga said bluntly.

Even though you weren't the one who made the movie, you felt very offended. How could he say that about (Favorite Movie)?! Immediately, you dove on your best friend from the back.

"Don't ever say that! (Favorite Movie) is the greatest!" You yelled and pulled on the boy's legs towards you.

"It isn't. (Least Favorite Movie)'s bet– Ow-ow-ow! (First Name)!" He screamed as he felt pain shoot through his spine.


"I'm sorry...," you mumbled, feeling guilty that you nearly broke Hyuga's bones.

"It's alright. I shouldn't have said that about (Favorite Movie)," Hyuga replied, cracking his back.

"I know we fight sometimes, but just know that I still love you no matter what," you smiled at your best friend and he smiled back.

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