[76]. Our Story (Kise x Reader)

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~Our Story - Kise Ryota~

(Son's Name) was in Kise's and your bedroom, clearing the shelf. As he did, a book fell from the it. Picking it up, he saw that it was his mother's journal.

(Son's Name) remembered that years back, he saw his mother writing in this same book. He remembered that she used to tell 'stories' from this book, even until she was 70.

His mother always told her children not to read this book by themselves, but (Son's Name) knew it was probably okay now. He opened the book and saw a journal entry.

Just a Crush - XX/XX/XX

I think I've fallen for Kise Ryota, but he would never want to be with someone as average-looking as me. A model like him would probably want someone who was much better-looking.

Your son thought back about this paragraph. He remembered that you told him and his two younger sisters about it, but you changed the names and some other little things.

You didn't fall for the model because of his good looks, you fell for him for who he really is. Sure, he's good-looking, but that wasn't why you fell for him.

Kise was nice to everyone, he was flamboyant, out-going and care-free. You just kind of fell for him when you had interacted with him.

You were about to turn the corner, but just around it, Kise was running full-speed and turned. He crashed into you and you fell back, dropping your books.

"I'm so sorry! I was in a hurry to training! Are you hurt? Here, let me help you with your books!" He panicked.

"Oh, it's fine, really. I'm not hurt and I know you have a harsh captain, so you should get going," you smiled and started picking up your books.

The yellow haired model frowned, "No, this is the least I could do for bumping into you!" He said stubbornly and helped you picked up your books.

He helped you, even though he was late for training, knowing the consequences of his harsh captain. Other guys didn't bother to help you and just left after saying sorry, but Kise wasn't like that.

You thought about that and smiled as you continued to pick up the books, "I think I've fallen for him."

Your son snickered and thought about how different he first interacted with his wife than how his parents first interacted with each other.

I'm In A Relationship! - XX/XX/XX

The school year's ending and prom's coming up. I honestly had no intention of going to some dance thing or whatever, but (Friend's Name) forced me to go.

All I did was stuff myself with food, while (Friend's Name) went to another group of friends, since all I did was complain about not wanting to be there.

But soon after, I was pretty thankful to (Friend's Name) for dragging me along. Ryota was there and asked if he could talk to me outside.

Then he suddenly asked me to be his girlfriend while I was drinking water and made me spit it out, on him. Whoops.

But my best friend and I are in a relationship now! I'm so freaking happy!

[Unidentified writing which looks like scribbles]

(Son's Name) chuckled at how his mother acted when his father asked her to be his girlfriend. Then (Son's Name) remembered about the story his mother told her children.

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