[41]. Birthday or Valentine's Day? (Moriyama x Reader)

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~Birthday or Valentine's Day? - Moriyama Yoshitaka~

You were lying on your bed, tired from college and your part-time job, as you listened to the music on your phone.

You looked at the time on it and it was already 9:36pm. You decided to call your boyfriend to greet him Happy Birthday, since it was the 13th of February.

But the phone suddenly rang and the caller ID was coincidentally, Moriyama. You answered it.

"Hey, Yoshi-kun."

"(Nickname)-chan, how are you?" He asked.

"I just came back from work," you answered.

"It's already been a year. You won't be back for one more week, right? I really miss you," Moriyama said.

"Yeah, one more week and I miss you, too," you replied. "Oh, and Happy Birthday," you greeted.

"Ah, thanks, but my birthday was yesterday," Moriyama stated.

"Yesterday?!" You asked, sitting up quickly on your bed.

"The time difference in America and Japan are different remember? I live on the other side of the world," Moriayam stated.

"Oh, yeah. So over there is the 14th now, isn't it?" You asked.

"Yep~. It's Valentine's Day," Moriyama answered.

"Well, then, Happy Belated Birthday and Happy Valentine's Day, Yoshi-kun," you smiled.

"Thank you and Happy Valentine's Day to you, too," he replied.

"What did you get for your birthday?" You asked.

"Clothes, money, you know, the stuff I usually get," he answered. "But you know who I really want?" He asked.

"Who?" You asked.

"You. I want you for my birthday," Moriyama answered.

"Your lines haven't improved since then," you chuckled.

"I'm working on it," Moriyama smiled. "Anyway, I got you a Valentine's present, but you aren't here yet," he stated.

"I'm really sorry, but thank you," you smiled.

"I'm gonna hang up, (Nickname)-chan. I'll be right back," Moriyama said.

"Okay," you replied and a beep was heard on the other line.

Suddenly, your laptop that was already turned on, beeped. You left your phone on your bed and walked over to your desk.

You saw that someone was calling you on Skype and clicked on it. Suddenly, a face popped up. You screamed and jumped back.

"(Nickname)-chan, what's wrong?!" Moriyama asked worriedly on the laptop.

You stood up, "oh, my gosh. It's just you, Yoshi-kun," you sighed in relief, putting a hand to your chest.

"Ah, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," he replied.

"At least tell me if you're gonna Skype me," you said.

"Sorry," Moriyama repeated. "Anyway, we were really excited to talk to you."

"'We'?" You asked.

"Kaijo's former basketball team," Moriyama answered and suddenly, Kise popped out.

"(Last Name)-chan, it's been a year, since I saw you! How are you? I missed you!" The yellow haired boy screamed.

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