[72]. Dream Sharing (Midorima x Reader)

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~Dream Sharing - Midorima Shintaro~

Everyone dreams, whether it be nightmares or not.

They're a natural part of everyone's life. Every symbol and every image that appears in people's dreams, have a certain relevance in that person's life.

When you dream, it's as though you're watching and involved in a movie of your life, with familiar and non-familiar people and situations.

Dreams are accompanied by strong emotions and when you wake up, you can often still feel them. Many people see symbols in their dreams and these are often taken from something in their daily lives.

Like you for instance.

Lately, you've dreaming more than usual and you didn't understand why. You found your dreams weird, especially since they were mostly about Midorima Shintaro.

But it wasn't like those fantasy dreams you wish to have with him in real life. You didn't even have a crush on him. At least, not that much of a crush, anyway.

Ever since those dreams started, you asked Takao if he could ask Midorima about interpreting dreams. You didn't do it yourself, since you thought it'd weird Midorima out.

"Just admit it, you have a crush on him!" Takao exclaimed, waving his hands in the air.

"I just think of him as a close friend, Kazunari," you lied to him, and yourself.

"But Shin-chan said so! He didn't understand why someone would dream of someone repeatedly without having a reason!"

"What'd he say to you, anyway?" You questioned.

"Uh... 'I don't understand why you won't give me the reason why you asked this, but I'm pretty sure I've read somewhere that dreaming of your crush means that you can't stop thinking about them'."

"You said I had a crush on him?!"

"Hey, hey, don't get mad! I didn't say you had a crush on him!" The male put his hands up defensively. "But you think about him a lot, don't you?"

"... No, not really... I guess? Maybe... I only started thinking about him a lot ever since a few days ago...," you mumbled.

"She's in love~!" Takao stated and started to walk faster before you could hit him in any way.

"Kazunari...," you exhaled.

During half the day, you were thinking about the dreams you've been having about Midorima. Did you actually have a huge crush on Midorima, to the point where you can't stop thinking about him?

You already had a small crush on him, but didn't admit it to anyone. Although, when you and Midorima spent time together a few days ago, he actually showed you his sweet side.

That's probably what got you thinking about him 24/7 and got you crushing on him harder. There were just so many thoughts of Midorima in your head after that day.

You slammed your forehead on the book in front of you, making a loud noise as everyone stared at you. You awkwardly said that you dropped your pencil and hit your head in the process.

Once everyone reverted their eyes back to the board, you heaved out a soft sigh. Maybe you really did have a huge crush on the green headed shooter...

A week had past and the dreaming about Midorima thing had stopped. Although, you started dreaming about another thing repeatedly.

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