[26]. Too Far? (Murasakibara x Reader)

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~Too Far? - Murasakibara Atsushi~

Your parents went away to Australia for work, so you had the house all to yourself, but you were really bored.

You decided to invite the five regulars of the Yosen's basketball team to your house this Saturday night.

You called them all, including the leader of Planet of the Apes, Okamura.

Saturday night...

The first to come was your boyfriend, Murasakibara, along with his and your best friend, Himuro.

"Oh, hey, guys," you smiled. "You're early."

"Yeah, Atsushi wanted to come before the others," Himuro stated.

"Alright. Well, come in," you said and opened the door wider to let them in.

After a while, the other three came, but the thing was, Okamura was crying.

"What... The... Hell..."

"They did it! Those meanies!" He accused and jumped on your couch.

"Hey, hey, we didn't do anything," Fukui said, coming through the door.

"All we did was say that he was a beast in human form," Liu shrugged.

"Okamura," you called and he turned to you. "You don't have to cry. You know, the truth hurts when you're a beast in human form," you said and snickered when you said the last bit.

"Uwah!! You guys are mean! Why'd you bother inviting me?!"

"It wasn't us. It was (Last Name)-chan," Fukui said.

"Why did you invite him, (Last Name)?" Liu questioned.

"I thought it'd be a great time to insult him," you shrugged.

"You guys are mean! I'm going home!" Okamura cried and ran out the door.

You and everyone else just watched him run out the house. Outside, the rain started to pour heavily and an ugly, drenched Okamura came through the door.

Everyone was holding in their laughs and you guys couldn't take it anymore, so you bursted out laughing, except for Himuro and Murasakibara.

"I think it'd be best for you to stay and get insulted!" You said as tears poured because of laughing too much.

"Hey, Okamura," Fukui called.


"I think you better hide, because the garbage collector's coming," he said, pointing out the window.

"That's a good one. Hey, Okamura, God made a mistake ever since you were born to the world," Liu stated bluntly.

"You guys are so mean!" Okamura cried, tears streaming down.

"Okay, okay, they'll stop," you said. "When I saw your face, I nearly fainted, but I told myself, 'don't worry, it's just a nightmare'."

"You said you'll stop!"

"I said 'they'll' not 'we'll'. There's a difference, Mr Ape," you stated.

"Can we please stop the insults?" Himuro asked.

"Sure, sure, but after this. Roses are red, violets-."

"(First Name)," Himuro said in a warning tone.

"Oh, come, Tatsu-kun, you're no fun!" You pouted.

"Roses are red, violets are blue, God made me pretty, what happened to you, you fugly gorilla!?" Fukui exclaimed and you and Liu bursted out laughing.

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