[48]. You (Part 2) (Kuroko x Reader)

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~You (Part 2) - Kuroko Tetsuya~

As Midorima pulled you away, you looked back at the two and mouthed the one you truly loved.

The one you chose gave a small smile, while the other gave a sad smile, but deep inside, he was happy for the other.

4 years later (19 years old)...

After finishing high school, your parents and Kuroko's parents bought an apartment, and allowed the two of you to live together.

"Hey, Tetsu~," you called as you went over to your boyfriend who was at the couch.

"What is it, (First Name)-chan?" You answered, turning to face you.

"How do you think Seijuro-kun's doing?" You questioned as you sat down next to him.

"(First Name)..."

"It-It's not like that! I-I was just wondering how he's doing, since he went to study abroad!" You panicked.

Kuroko sighed in relief and smiled, "I don't know, but I'm sure he's doing just fine."

"Hm, okay~."

"(First Name)", the former basketball player called.


"Let's go on a date today," he said.

"Sure!" You smiled.

"Go and get changed, then."

"Okay~!" You cheered and ran to your room.

You went to your room and opened your closet. You pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans, a (Favorite Color) shirt and a (Random Color) hoodie.

You wore your socks and rushed down to find Kuroko wearing dark brown jeans, a blue t-shirt and a dark blue jacket, rolled up to his elbows.

"(First Name)," he stated.

"Shall we go?" You smiled and the boy nodded.

You and Kuroko didn't really do much. The two of you were just recalling back to the times you and him had when in middle school and high school.

The both of you went shopping, too. Well, Kuroko went shopping. He told you to wait for him outside a jewellery store and you didn't question.

When the light blue haired boy got out, you saw that he was holding a small bag and you asked hm about it. Although, he just said that it was nothing.

You frowned and then Kuroko suddenly grabbed your hand and led you somewhere.

You were about to ask where the boy was taking you, but you decided not to, seeing that you had the feeling Kuroko wasn't going to tell you.

The two of you soon made it to a familiar cherry blossom place and the former basketball player let go of your hand.


The cherry blossom place brought back memories when you and Kuroko were in middle school and high school.

"This was where we first went on a date," you stated, looking at the beautiful cherry blossoms.

"And the first time we actually hugged each other without making it awkward," Kuroko chuckled as you blushed a bit, remembering about it. "And this place will also be...," Kuroko trailed off and put his hand in the small bag he had.

You titled your head to the side curiously as you watched your boyfriend take a small midnight blue box out of the bag.

"... The first time someone proposes to you," the light blue haired boy finished.

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