[78]. Dessert (Murasakibara x Reader)

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~Dessert - Murasakibara Atsushi~

I put a video just so you'll get an idea of how you would be dancing, I guess? There are numerous dances, btw

You slumped down on the couch and started flicking through the letters you got out from the mailbox. None of them interested you, they were all mostly for your parents.

You continued to look through the numerous letters, until one finally caught your eye. A poster of a dance competition. It said that the best performance would be able to enter an elite dance school.

Your eyes widened at what you read and decided that you were going to participate in this, no hesitation. You were determined to win the competition. You've always wanted to get in an elite dance school.

You told your two friends about it and asked of them to help you practice your dancing, giving you feedback and such. The two of them gladly accepted your request.


"Atsushi-kun~! We'd really like it if you were to hang out with us, or maybe watch us practice our performance for the competition~! I'm sure you've heard about it!"

Murasakibara Atsushi glared at them through his half-lidded eyes. It was early morning at Yosen High, and these teenagers - more like bothers to him - were starting again. Don't they ever get tired?

Though he had glared at them, the group of teenagers weren't fazed by it and continued to pester the boy. Ignoring their invites, Murasakibara walked faster and headed towards the dance room to meet up with you and Himuro.

Shoving another potato chip in his mouth, he wondered how his friend was able to handle the everyday annoyance of his fangirls. It was such a hassle to even talk to them.

If Himuro was there with him now, he'd tell Murasakibara to be nice and accept their invites. But the only one who he really wanted to hang out with, or watch dance, was you.

"Sorry I'm late. They were pestering me to watch them again," Murasakibara frowned as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"'They'? You mean your fangirls? What did you say to them?" Himuro asked, worried that his friend might've hurt them emotionally.

"Nothing, really... I didn't bother with them today," he told answered and the other let out a sigh of relief. "Where's (Nickname)-chin?" Murasakibara questioned when he noticed that you weren't with Himuro.

"Already inside practicing."

In an instant, Murasakibara quickly walked in the dance room as Himuro followed after. There, the two boys saw you dancing. The raven haired one glanced up at his taller friend and saw that he was really into your dancing.

♪ They can imitate you
The way your body's movin'
You got something special
About to make me lose it
I like the way you mo~ve, girl
I like the way you mo~ve, girl ♪

Your movements were energetic, your body moved quickly and swiftly to the rhythm. Murasakibara felt hypnotic, watching all those complex movements. He wondered how you were able to get them so precise. Well, you have been dancing for nearly 10 years already.

You suddenly stopped dancing and groaned when you stuffed up one of the moves, snapping Murasakibara out of his 'trance.'

"Why'd you stop dancing, (Nickname)-chin?" The taller male pouted, furrowing his eyebrows together.

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