[87]. A Special Day (Mibuchi x Reader)

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~A Special Day - Mibuchi Reo~

Today was your boyfriend's birthday. You had no idea what to give or do for him, since you've never really done much for people's birthday. Just a card and money was enough for them, you always thought.

You were in your room, thinking of things you could do for Mibuchi tomorrow. You were excited and picked up your pencil, writing down the first thing that came to you.

After hours and hours of thinking, you finally got a list of what to do. It was only simple things, and it wasn't much, so you hoped Mibuchi liked it, even if it was just a bit.

The first thing you did for him on the day of his birthday, was waking him up with a song you wrote, made specially for him.

You're the inspiration for this tune
And I just wanna say to you
It's the way you laugh
The way you talk
The way that you sing along

The black haired boy's eyes slowly opened from the sound of the upbeat tune. He glanced beside him, realizing that it was his phone and picked it up. Mibuchi saw a text message from you.

I love you (x5)

(First Name)-chan ❤️
Good morning, Reo! I'm sending you lots of wishes on this special day. Happy birthday to my amazing boyfriend! <3

Your greatest partner in crime XD

My heart beats for you like 1 4 3
And our love is simple as A B C
My heart beats for you like 1 4 3
When you're around, you're all I need

The song just ended after Mibuchi finished reading your message. He smiled at your thoughtfulness. The boy moved to the edge of the bed and was about to get up, but you prevented it.

"And stop right there, Reo! Go back to where you were."

The said male looked up to see you holding a tray with what seems to be breakfast. So that's what it was - pancakes. He smelled the familiar aroma from his room.

"I made you breakfast~!" You stated cheerfully as you set them on your boyfriend's lap, after doing what he'd been told.

In the tray, there was a huge plate of pancakes, topped with maple syrup and berries. On either side of the plate was the knife and fork, while the water was placed on the top, right corner.

"Thank you, (First Name)," Mibuchi gave a gentle smile and looked back down at his breakfast, "It looks great."

"I hope it tastes as good as it looks," you grinned, leaning down to his face and pecked him on the cheek. "Enjoy~."

Once Mibuchi was finished with his meal, he opened his bedroom door and stepped out. When he did, he felt something underneath his foot.

Looking down, the male saw a flower and gasped. He had stepped on the its stem. Mibuchi felt like monster for doing such a thing. When he picked up the flower, he noticed a white envelope beside it.

He picked up the envelope and opened it, taking out a small card. Stapled to it were tickets to America and the first NBA game of the season.

Mibuchi's jaw dropped open as he continued to stare at what was in his hands. Were his eyes deceiving him? The boy blinked numerous times and even rubbed his eyes. No, they were not.

"How much money could (First Name) have spent?" He wondered.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Mibuchi opened the small card. It read:

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