[10]. It Hurts... (Aomine x Reader)

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~It Hurts... - Aomine Daiki~

Ever since you started middle school in Teiko, you joined the basketball team as assistant manager, of course.

There was one person that caught your eye. That certain blue haired boy, the ace of the team, Aomine Daiki.

Just like Kise, you always wanted to challenge Aomine to a one-on-one.

You were actually pretty good, but could never beat the blue haired ace.

As you kept playing together, you grew feelings for him and he did, too, but you didn't know.

"Ao-chan, let's play!" You said.

"Yeah, okay, but you'll never beat me," he said, smirking.

"Yeah, I will. Just because I'm a girl, doesn't mean I can't beat you. I'll win this time!" You said, getting determined.

"We'll see about that," the blue haired boy smirked.

That was the old times. You two started to grow apart and he never wanted to play a one-on-one with you anymore.

Every time you asked, he always replied with an, "I'm busy today" or "I've got practice."

A few days later, Aomine started playing a one-on-one with Kise again, but you didn't even bother to ask because you thought that you were the reason why he stopped playing for a while.

"Did I do something wrong?" You thought as you watched them play. "It hurts...," you said mentally. "Why do I feel jealous? Ao-chan and Ki-chan are both guys," you smacked your forehead for thinking such a thing.

You walked closer to them and watched them play.

Those moves you could never defend against, that defense you could never get past.

Watching Kise and Aomine play against each other, it hurts. You wished that it was you playing against Aomine.

"It hurts...," you said mentally, gripping your chest. "My heart... I can't breathe...," you said, starting to hyperventilate. "Ao-chan.... Why won't you even talk to me? Or even look at me? It hurts..."

"(Last Name)-san," Akashi called out, jogging over to you when he saw you on the floor, gripping your chest as you hyperventilated.

"I can't... It hurts...," you repeated. "I can't breathe..."

"Quick, Kise-kun, give me a paper bag," Akashi ordered. "She's over-breathing," and Kise quickly grabbed a paper bag nearby.

Akashi gave you the paper bag and you started breathing into it. The bag wasn't helping. In fact, you just kept thinking about Aomine and it got worse.

"Do you even care about me...?" You asked mentally, still hyperventilating.

Akashi stood up and left, thinking you were fine on the outside, but on the inside, it hurt like hell. You felt like your heart was about to explode.

You heard footsteps approaching and you thought it was someone who wasn't Aomine, but it was him.

He kneeled in front of you. He put his finger under your chin and his thumb under. He lifted your head up, so he could look at you.

Without warning, Aomine just kissed you. For a loud, rough, rowdy guy, he was a good kisser. The kiss was passionate.

You returned the kiss and then got interrupted by Midorima saying, "get a room, you two."

"Midorimacchi's just jealous!" Kise teased.

"No, I'm not!"

"I thought you hated me," you said to Aomine.

"I could never hate you," he replied.

"Then why didn't you talk to me, or even play one-on-ones with me anymore?"

"I told you, I was busy and basketball practice was always taking up most of my time," Aomine explained. "I was always tired."

"But why didn't you ask me to play when you were versing Ki-chan?" You asked.

"Well, I was too caught up on beating him. You know the guy's getting better," Aomine replied.

"Yeah," you smiled and then said, "I love you, Daiki," and hugged him.

"I love you, too, (First name)," Aomine replied and hugged you back.

January 3rd, 2015 - Saturday

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