[70]. Only Look At Me (Haizaki x Reader)

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~Only Look At Me - Shogo~

He changed ever since dating you.

Haizaki asked you to go on dates - which he doesn't usually do, he gives you stuff when it's your anniversaries - which he usually forgets - and he became more affectionate.

Although, Haizaki wasn't like this the first time you and him dated. Yes, the both of you dated each other twice. The first time was a horrible experience for you.

He was rude, bossed you around, he didn't act how a boyfriend should. You even caught him with another girl.

You didn't understand how you even fell for someone like him, when you knew this was how he acted toward previous girls.

What changed him was when you broke up with him. It hurt him, honestly. Usually, he'd be the one to do it - getting tired of his 'toys' and tossing them away like it meant nothing.

He remembered what his older brother said to him, too. "If you cheat on a girl who is willing to do anything for you, you just cheated yourself out of true loyalty" and Haizaki wanted to date you again and change, for you.

Even you, there was a part of yourself that didn't want to break up with him. Reason for that is because you wanted to stay with him and see him change one day. You believed he would.

You and Haizaki met up at his house and talked. Usually, people wouldn't date the same person they broke up with the second time; there was a reason why they broke up, but you were different.

You told Haizaki he needed to change if you and him were to date him again. He hesitantly promised you that and kept it.

He started to change bit by bit as months went on, and you were happy about that. You and Haizaki have been in a solid relationship for nearly 4 years ever since then.

"Holy shit, stop!" You screamed and then burst out in laughter afterwards.

"Hey, you deserve this," he replied and continued to tickle you.

"Fvck you, Shogo!"

"Oh, gladly," he said with a smirk, trying to remove your shirt, but you kneed him in the stomach.

"We're in the park, you horny asshole!" You yelled, but not enough for the people around you to hear.

You sat up from the bench and put the gray head in a headlock. He exclaimed and told you to let him go. You hesitantly did so and sat back down on the park's bench properly.

Haizaki suddenly rested his head on your lap and told you he was going to take a nap for an hour. You rolled your eyes and said for 30 minutes only, since the both of you still had to go to the movies.


One day, Haizaki experienced something he never thought he would've experienced. It was really painful. Maybe that's how all the other girls he's dated in the past felt like? Of course it was.

Your phone rang and fished it out of your pocket. Looking at the caller ID, you hesitantly answered it, "Hello?"

(It's me //slapped).

"Hey. Where are you?" You hear your boyfriend over the phone.

"Oh, uh... Here... At the library," you replied unsurely, but Haizaki didn't really notice it.

"Do you have time today?" He questioned.

"Sorry, I have an exam today."


"Yeah... Sorry."

"It's fine. Good luck on your exam."

"Thanks. Bye," you hung up and then bit your lip.

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