[53]. Christmas in July (Nijimura x Reader)

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~Christmas in July - Nijimura Shuzo~

Your boyfriend wanted you to go with him overseas because he wanted to go overseas for a holiday and his friend said that in Melbourne, Australia, there was a really cool place during July.

You wanted to go, but you had a fear of flying ever since an incident happened when you were younger. It pretty much scared you, so you were never going on a plane again.

You and your parents were going on a holiday to (Random Country), but there was an engine failure and the plane crashed. You were very lucky, since you and a few others survived the crash, but your parents didn't.

Ever since then, you've never been overseas because you were scared that the same thing might happen to you and Nijimura when you go to Australia.

You didn't tell your boyfriend about your fear because you really wanted to go and you decided, that maybe you should face your fear.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Nijimura questioned when he saw small movements next to him. "Your hands are trembling," he stated, putting his large hand on top of yours.

"Oh, um... I kind of... Have a fear of riding planes...," you mumbled, looking down as your hands continued to tremble.

"Huh? Then you should've told me beforehand, idiot," the former captain replied, flicking his finger at your forehead.

"That hurt...," you frowned, rubbing your forehead.

"We can't do anything about it, but nothing's gonna happen, okay? So don't worry."

"B-But what if something happens to the engine? What if the pilot falls asleep? Wh-What if a huge storm comes along? What if we run out of gas? What if-?"

"(First Name), calm down," Nijimira interrupted, putting a hand to your shoulder. "We've already taken off, so there's nothing we can do. What about we play a card game, will that take your mind off riding the plane?"

"A-A card game?" You asked and the male nodded.

He took a packet of cards from his jacket's pocket and pulled down the table thing behind the seat in front of him.

"Got any card games in mind?" Nijimura asked you as he took out the deck of cards from the packet and started to shuffle them.

"Um, what about... Old Maid?" You answered, a bit unsure. "Do you still remember how to play? We used to play it all the time."

"I don't remember," he lied.

Of course Nijimura remembered how to play. He just wanted you to explain, so you could take your mind off being on a plane.

"Um, let's see, we have to play with 52 cards, but we have to take one out, so now it's 51. Then, the dealer has to deal out all the cards to the players...," and you did just that. "After that, all the players have to discard the pairs, like two kings, two sevens, two aces, et cetera. Then, we have to take turns taking taking a card from each player. In the end, player who has the card that matches the card we took out, loses ," you explained.

You looked up at the male to see if he was paying attention to your explanation.


"Huh? What? Oh, yeah, yeah. I get how to play now," he said after snapping out of his thoughts.

The male had been staring at your features the whole time. He remembered how he fell for you at first sight, but of course, before he confessed, he got to know you first.

"You weren't even listening, were you?" You questioned as you frowned, thinking that it was a waste of time.

"Nah, I was. I get how to play now," he replied.

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