[89]. Stolen Heart (Izuki x Reader)

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~Stolen Heart - Izuki Shun~

One day after school, your father asked you to work part-time at his joke shop. You had a choice whether you wanted to work there or not, and you chose not to. You hated jokes and wanted to slap people who said the dumbest ones.

Like why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side! To get away from KFC! Or knock-knock jokes that are asked. Who's there? Boo. Boo who? Don't cry, it's just a joke. Oh, so funny.

Honestly, they have annoyed you since the first time you heard the jokes, and you straight up hate them. But, that was until you found out about puns.

Your father's joke shop was quite famous among Japan. You wondered just how good the stuff in there was. So right after your first closing time, you decided to read one of the pun books.

Picking up whichever book was closest, you grabbed it and sat back down on the seat behind the counter. You opened the book somewhere in the middle and skimmed through the words.

The word 'book' caught your eye and you got ready for the kill-me-now feeling. I was reading an anti-gravity book. It was impossible to put down. You stared at the sentence and then let out a "pfft" afterwards.

You continued to read more and more and you swore, that each time you read another, you thought they were getting funnier and funnier. You didn't know why. I mean, these were dumb, weren't they?

I'd tell you a chemistry joke, but I wouldn't get a reaction.

But that wasn't what your stifled laughter was showing.

I got fired from the calendar factory. All I did was take a day off.

You continued to read more books and since it was getting quite late, you were getting tired. Not keeping up with the time, you fell asleep on the counter with the book in your hand and the piles of books next to you.

Ever since that first day of working at your dad's joke shop, you took a liking to puns. You even unintentionally started annoying your friends with them. You were actually quite surprised they haven't hit you yet.

"Hey, hey, (Friend's Name), I need to tell you something," you motioned your friend to come sit next to you.

"Yeah, what is it?" He/she leaned closer.

"So I was walking with this cat named Simba and he was tailing behind, so I told him to Mufasa," you punned and forced a laugh, which made you really laugh.

"I swear, I will actually hit you if you say one more," your friend threatened, and you knew he/she was serious about it, but you decided to do it anyway.

"Guess how I escaped Iraq?" You questioned and your friend stood up, getting ready to hit you. "Iran!" You yelled out and did what you said, your friend chasing you to wherever you ran off to.


After school, you went straight home and got changed to your casual clothes, then headed to your father's joke shop. The sign was flipped to the 'We're Open' sign and the light was on, so you figured that your dad was already there.

The bell over the door rang as you opened it. Your dad spun his head towards your direction and greeted you with a smile, you returned it.

"(First Name), could you rearrange the books on the shelves before going to the counter?" Your dad asked of you.

"Yeah, sure thing," you replied and walked behind the counter, placing your bag beneath it.

"Thanks," your dad said, then went back to sweeping the floor.

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