[39]. Us Versus Them (Part 2) (Takao x Reader)

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~Us Versus Them (Part 2) - Takao Kazunari~

You both turned to the door and saw your best friend with a bucket on her head. She took it off and saw the two off you and glared.

"It-It's not what you think it looks like, (Best Friend's Name)!" You panicked and Takao quickly got off you.

"Did you guys do this?!" Your friend yelled at you, referring to the apple juice.

"Y-Yeah," you and Takao answered.


"The prank, but we didn't think that you would walk in here," Takao snickered.

"Stop laughing, idiot," your friend glared at him.

"Well, at least we made 10 points," you stated.

"Shut up, (First Name)-chan," you're friend glared at you and walked out the classroom.

"Guess we have to put another bucket," you frowned.

"Luckily, we bought extra apple juice," Takao stated.

Soon, the bell went and you and Takao was trapped in the classroom.

"How are we supposed to get out?!" You panicked. "The bucket is on the door!"

"Window?" Takao suggested, pointing at the window he was at.

You walked over to Takao looked out the window. You're eyes widened.

"You're crazy!" You exclaimed.

"But there's a bush," Takao stated.

"I don't care! That must be like 10 meters (about 33ft)!" You exclaimed.

"10 meters isn't that much," Takao scoffed.

"I'm not jumping."

The two of you heard footsteps approaching the classroom and Takao quickly grabbed your hand and jumped down the window.

"K-KAZU-KUN!!" You screamed as the two of you 'safely' landed in the bush.

Takao was laying on his back, while you were on top of him, clenching his uniform as he hugged you tightly.

"Oww!" Takao whined, slowly opening his eyes.

"A-Are you okay?!" You panicked, opening your eyes wide.

"Yeah, don't worry, I'm fine," he smiled at you.

"I told you it was dangerous," you scolded.

"But I'm fine, (Nickname)-chan," Takao stated. "Don't worry about me."

"It's my job to worry about you! I'm your girlfriend!" You blurted out.

Takao jut grinned at you after you said that. You realized what you just said and your face was of a dark shade of red.

Suddenly, you both heard a manly scream (lmao) from the classroom you both jumped out of.

"Success~!" Takao cheered.

"15 points. That's the same as theirs!"

"How do you think they're going anyway?" Takao asked.

"Dunno, but we'll never know until the end of the day," you answered.

Nearing the end of day...

"How many points is that?" Your friend questioned Midorima.

"72," he answered.

"That's a lot! We're definitely gonna win!" You friend cheered. "Didn't think you'd be the type to join in this, though."

"Sh-Shut up. I just don't want you to kiss Takao, nanodayo," Midorima mumbled.

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