[35]. Happy Birthday! (Kuroko x Reader)

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~Happy Birthday! - Kuroko Tetsuya~

It was January 31st and Kuroko woke up normally for school.

He did his daily routine and after that was greeted by his parents and grandmother saying, "Happy birthday, Tetsuya~."

He smiled at them and headed out for school.

"I wonder if anyone else remembers my birthday," Kuroko wondered.

He arrived at school and went to his classes. For some reason, Kagami was avoiding him and even you, his girlfriend, was avoiding him, too.

When he arrived at the gym, no-one was there.

Kuroko found a note on the door when he was about to exit the gym. The note read out:

Go to your home-room

Kuroko was confused by this, but walked to his home-room.

"Nii-san, stop! You're dropping everything!" You scolded him as you picked up all the rolls of streamers that was dropping out from the box.

"Hey, it ain't my fault that I have to carry this! How many streamers are in here, anyway!?" He asked you as the two of you ran towards the gym.

"Wait, what if Kuroko might still be in the gym?" You asked the dark red head.

"Dunno. You go and check," Kagami ordered and you just glared at him.

You walked to the gym and quietly opened the door. There wasn't anyone in sight, but you just walked in to make sure that the phantom wasn't being invisible again.

"There's no-one here, so hurry up and get in," you said and Kagami came in.

"What do we do with the streamers?" Kagami questioned you.

"I dunno. I just wanted you to struggle carrying that in here," you shrugged.

"You damn brat!" Kagami shouted at you as his eye twitched. "Hey, wait a minute, why are there less than before?"

"I made a trail with the ones you were dropping. You didn't think that I would make you carry that for nothing, did you?" You answered.

"But you just said-."

"Hush, child! Just hurry up and... And..."

"You didn't buy him a present. Heh, what a great girlfriend you are," Kagami said sarcastically.

"That's what I forgot when we went to the shops yesterday!" You said, smacking your forehead. "And shut up! At least I have a boyfriend, unlike you who'll never have a girlfriend!"

"I can if I wanted one!" Kagami retorted.

"You want one right now, but they don't want to be with an ugly guy, who has split eyebrows like you!" You yelled at him, poking out his tongue.

"And I can't believe Kuroko would love a shorty like you!"

"It's only because you're tall! What kind of teenager, in his second year of high school, have a height like that?!" You retorted.

"Someone like me!"

"Just shut up and help me shop for a present!" You continued to yell at him.

"Fine, let's go!"

"Stop yelling!"

"You stop yelling!"

Kuroko walked to his home-room and found no-one there, but he saw balloons near his desk and walked over to it.

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