[88]. Hugs (Murasakibara x Reader)

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~Hugs - Murasakibara Atsushi~

The Head Rest

It was your last day in Japan. You were moving all the way to (Country) tomorrow morning due to family reasons. Because of this, your parents told you that you could do whatever you please after school.

Your parents thought you'd want to go somewhere exciting, since there were some events taking place tonight. But your response was that you were going to stay home and watch movies with Murasakibara.

"I still don't understand why we couldn't just spend the night at the (Random Festival)," you frowned as you watched your purple haired friend eat his snacks.

"Too much work...," he replied to you in his usual lazy tone.

"We could've bought a lot of snacks," you told him after you finished setting up the TV.

"But you have a lot of food in the pantry, (First Name)-chin."

"I still wanted to go out instead of watching movies," you sighed, "There were going to be some events taking place tonight..."

"Hm... I'm sorry... But it doesn't matter because you're with me~."

You laughed softly as you walked over to Murasakibara, "If you say so," and sat on his lap.

"(First Name)-chin, now I can't see...," Murasakibara furrowed his eyebrows. "You know you're tall..."

"Oh, right, sorry, Atsushi. Move towards the arm rest," you told him and he did so, moving back against the arm rest of the couch and put his legs up on it.

You sat back down between Murasakibara's legs and then leaned back against his broad chest. He suddenly placed his head on top of yours and wrapped his arms around your waist.

"Better?" You questioned, pulling up the blanket you left on the couch earlier.

"Much better~," he gave a lazy smile and held you tighter.

You and Murasakibara spent your last night cuddling with each other, watching movies until one of you fell asleep.


"(Mother's Name), how can they not be dating? Look at them," your father whispered, when he noticed you and Murasakibara so close to each other, sleeping soundly.

"So what if they are? There's nothing wrong with that. Atsushi-kun's a sweet boy," your mother stated, washing dishes.

"I'm sure there's nothing going on with them. Atsushi tells me everything. They're just really close," Murasakibara's older sister said, quietly chuckling.

"Hopefully that's true," your father muttered as he left the kitchen.

"Don't mind him, he's just protective of his child," your mother waved her hand.

"Thanks alright, haha. It's sad to hear you're all moving, though. We'll miss you, but I think Atsushi will be missing you guys the most, especially (First Name). She's a good kid, that one," Murasakibara's sister gave a sad smile.

"I will, too. We could always face time each other once in a while," your mother suggested with a smile.

"I'm sure Atsushi would like that," his sister stated as she returned the smile.

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