[91]. Marry Me (Kise x Reader)

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~Marry Me - Kise Ryota~

A hundred and five is the number that comes to my head
When I think of all the years I wanna be with you
Wake up every morning with you in my bed
That's precisely what I plan to do

Kise woke up to the warm feeling of the sun peeking in through your bedroom window, lighting his hair like a bright halo. He rubbed sleep from his eyes, then stretched his arms over his head before turning to you.

The yellow haired model's lips curved into a small smile. You looked so cute when you were sleeping, and his heart would melt every single time he looked at it. He wanted to wake up like this every morning.

And you know one of these days, when I get my money right
Buy you everything and show you all the finer things in life
We'll forever be in love, so there ain't no need to rush
But one day I won't be able to ask you loud enough

About a couple of months ago, Kise had earned enough money to get some things sorted out. Today he was going to surprise you with something big. He had prepared for this day for a while now, so if not now, when?

I'll say, "Will you marry me?"
I swear that I will mean it
I'll say, "Will you marry me?"

Ooh whoa ooh oh
Ooh whoa ooh oh
Ooh whoa ooh oh
Oh, yeah

Kise slowly and quietly slid out of bed as he tried not to wake you. He needed to get out of your apartment before you caught him and he also needed to get everything perfect and ready for this day.

Grabbing his bag from the floor, the male took a piece of paper out and left it on the pillow he slept on. Kise looked at you one last time before tip-toeing to the door. When he opened it, he flinched from the creaking sound it made.

He left out a soft squeak and turned to you, seeing you stir. Kise waited for a bit to see any other movement, and there wasn't, so he continued to sneak back out again. He needed to hurry because he was already late with the meet-up with his friends.


You slowly opened your eyes when you heard the sound of a car's engine nearby, as if it was right in front of the apartment. Stretching your body, you slowly got out of bed. You took a peek at the time and your jaw dropped.

You were late for your photo-shoot!

A burst of energy hit you as you started to fix up your bed. It was only then when you noticed Kise had disappeared from your bed. You completely forgot he came to sleep over last night, since it was rare he would do so.

You reached over to the other side of the bed, trying to cover it up. From the corner of your eye, you caught sight of a piece paper on top of the pillow Kise slept on. You grabbed the paper and saw a familiar handwriting.

Good morning, beautiful <3

First of all, we don't have a photo-shoot today, since I cancelled it for this special day. So then I hope you had a great sleep because you're going to need it!

I decided to make a scavenger hunt for you to complete. It'll be great fun c: If you finish the hunt, then I'll reward you by asking a life-changing question.

Today is all about you, so enjoy!


Your smile grew wider as you read each sentence. You were excited to start this hunt. You wondered what Kise had planned for you along the way and what was there for you at the end.

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