[15]. Ramen (Kagami x Reader)

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~Ramen - Kagami Taiga~

Kise worked as a model and one day, his manager needed someone to fill in because the previous model had quit.

Kise said that you were really pretty and, of course, made you blush. I mean, what girl wouldn't blush when a model says she's pretty?

He took you to his photo-shoot and the manager said that you were a natural when they started shooting at you.

You've been working as a model with Kise for 2 years now, since the third year of high school at Seirin.


"We're done with your parts, Kise-kun, (Last Name)-chan," you and Kise's manager said. "Just be back before 2pm."

"No problem!/Yep!" You and Kise said in unison.

"Hey, Taiga works nearby," you said to Kise and headed off to where your boyfriend works.

When you got there...

"Eh? I thought Kagamicchi worked as an ice-cream man, (First Name)cchi," Kise said to you.

"The kids kept teasing him about his eyebrows and before he quit, he got hired to this place, since I told the manager that he was a great cook and was looking for a job," you explained.

"Aw, I wanna be your boyfriend, (First Name)cchi!" Kise cried, hugging you. "You're so nice~."

"Maybe if I break up with Taiga, I'll be your girlfriend," you replied.

"Really?" He asked as his face lit up.

"No," you answered bluntly as you entered the ramen place.

"So mean!" Kise said and followed you.

"Welcome~," one of the staff said.

"Two miso, ready," Kagami called as he put two bowls of miso soup on the counter.

"Hey, Taiga/Hello, Kagamicchi!" You and Kise greeted and he jumped in surprise as a reply.

"Kise, (First Name), don't you have work?" Kagami questioned.

"We're on a break~," Kise answered.

"We have to get back by 2," you added and walked closer to the counter.

"Hm?" Kagami asked with a confused look.

You leaned closer to his face and pecked him on the lips, making him blush.

"There are people here, you know!" Kagami stated, putting his hand to his lips.

"Naw, so you don't want a kiss from me then," you pouted.

"It's-It's not like that! It's just embarrassing," Kagami said and then saying the last but quietly.

"What's so embarrassing about it?" You pouted.

"Don't worry, (First Name)cchi! I wouldn't be embarrassed if you kissed me out in public!" Kise said.

The yellow haired male rushed over to you and tried to kiss you, but you slammed his head down and said, "die, Ryota, you idiot. I've got a boyfriend."

"That's so mean, (First Name)cchi!" Kise cried out.

"Let's go take a... Seat... Kise," you said as your pace of talking slowed down and looked at the tables.

"Looks like it's a full house," Kise stated.

"Never mind. I'm not hungry, anyway," you said. "Hey, Taiga, I'll help out with the orders," you said and pulled Kise to the change room.

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